All this said you should check out my weekly giveaway to grow your nft's and increase your earning potential. Here's your give away linkThe name dwarflordnoj is simply one moniker that I posess. I am an avid P2E player that focuses on FREE to play games and not Pay2Earn or Pay2Compete models found in many of the P2E game models. There are many reasons why I chose to play #RisingStarGame and many more why I continue to play and invest in such games. FREE to Play and FREE to Earn should be FREE not to some but to all.
Each game usually requires one to PAY to interact with the game from the start. An initial investment on your part to make the owners of the system that you are playing some form of income to keep the back end running. Greasing the wheels to keep them paid to provide you with a possible income that could come to you. However, #RisingStarGame has a truely FREE2Play and FREE2Earn format where anyone can play and earn #StarBits from doing standard missions which they can then convert into HIVE or reinvest back into the game by buying cards (NFT's that the player owns) which can increase their earning potential.
After playing the game myself for almost 2 years I am now in the top 50 daily ranked players in #RisingStarGame and earn over 150k #Starbits daily from the missions daily not to mention the rewards for my rank that I earn, .05+ SWAP.HIVE on the hive-engine.
Now I am not here to brag about what I have achieved but to show everyone just what they can earn for themselves. Now I don't have a fat wallet, my total investment in HIVE (of which I have recovered and then some) was $1500 and I am happy to say that My account both on HIVE and hive-engine total more than this plus all the nft's that I have earned on the HIVE blockchain from all the games found there. So that even through this hash crypto winter i have been able to stay afloat and keep my head above the water of this storm. And mostly its all thanks to the #RisingStarGame and its truely FREE2Earn system.
Now I am sure that any FREE2Earn game tokenomics would be hard to keep running and many have failed. Now that #RisingStarGame is headed towards its 3rd birthday (and i look forward to the party) and the missions keep evolving where we are looking forward to learning about Raves next. The earning potential of every account is only limited to the number of missions you can keep up with over a given daily period and the amount of fans you have will directly increase or decrease your earning potential in the game.
Posted using HiveLIST