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RE: The effects of the Ukraine - Russia conflict on my country

in Model-Agency3 years ago

Thank you for publishing this post in response to the comment. While I knew that oil prices were affecting everyone everywhere, I thought the supplies situation was better in Europe because of geography: less distance from China and with only land in between instead of a wide ocean.

Inflation is everywhere these days, it seems, partly due to the oil shortage since increased costs affect even the extractors and those costs are passed along every step of the way from them to us as consumers.

As for what is happening in Ukraine, it is a tragedy for everyone there, no doubt about that. However, there are things we need to know which never get reported in the media, and those things present a picture of the situation which is different from what we are being told by "the media" no matter where we live. It feels more like propaganda than just-the-facts news, and it's happening everywhere. It's been that way for a long time, but this time they aren't even pretending to be objective about presenting "the news" to the people. Certain actions are known to grow this war from 2 countries to over two dozen, yet come people continue to insist of those very actions; why? Ukraine is screwed no matter what happens, and Russia doesn't come away without damage even if victorious or "mission accomplished"; so why get many more nations involved? Something else is happening, but we won't know what that is until it is to late for us. I'm giving this situation (war? conflict? "special military operation?") more time before I can begin trying to figure out what is happening there.

No matter what happens in Ukraine, we are where we are and we live where we live. This means that we still need to live our lives as best as we can. It also means controlling those things within our control and not letting what we cannot control control us to the point where we go insane. We do the basics we need to protect ourselves, our loved ones, our inventories, and our wealth or funds.

Beyond that, we do what we can to be a blessing for the people around us. Even in these times we need to find happiness, whatever that means for each of us. It's enough that life is becoming harder each day; we shouldn't become miserable people because of that. We can worry a little, but we must find ways to be happy.

 3 years ago  

True! It is so sad that we only get to hear one side from the story - the massive ban on Russian news outlets is an astonishing crime by the Western World.

Not only are we hearing just one side about what's happening, but what we hear from that side borders on propaganda. All establishment outlets are reporting the same things in the same way using the same words. While there is a bit of truth in what is being reported, can we trust the establishment media after the lies we've been told about many things for the last several years? It's as if the establishment media is working to drive the people into a frenzy to support actions which will make a lousy situation terrifying. News doesn't do that, but propaganda does.

 3 years ago  

absolutely spot on!