My today's Diary

in Diary world3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone hope you all are fine and safe. Today i am going to write my diary post after a long period of time due to my mid term examination. Today i gave my last paper and i decided to open my steemit and start writing once again. So lets start:

Today i wake up in the morning at 8 am late as i sleep at 5 am last night. I was reading for today's paper. I wash my face and took brush. I then open my book of refrigeration once again. I start revising the chapters which i read yesterday. I read all the topics till 10 am. I then went to near shop where i buy milk and bread. I then make tea and drink it.



After that i wear new cloths and start traveling to my university. I first pick vechile at imamsahib which drops me at pulwama from where i pick one more vechile which drops me at awantipora. I open my books and read till my examination time. My examination starts at 2 pm. The paper was easy so i attempt almost all questions.

My examination ends little bit late so i decided to stay at my hostel. I went there and change my cloths. I then met with my friend after a long period of time. I talk to him and we decided to go outside and buy some things. I buy dew and some junk foods and eat them with my friend.


At night i start watching semi final match between pakistan and Australia. During the match i went to mess where i eat rice and chicken. I then see the remaining match. Finally i decided to open steemit after many days and start writing my diary post.