FungiFriday: Brecket Fungus (Cinnabar Polypore)

in FungiFriday3 years ago

Happy #FungiFriday everyone. It's Friday again, and you know what to do on this lovely day. So, in another round of #FungiFriday, I am excited to come up with some pictures of common mushrooms that used to be seen on the rotten logs. There I came, searching for mushrooms near the village street. Surely, these mushrooms are inedible, even so, their appearance was hard to let go of. This typical mushroom has tough, fan-shaped bracket fungus; bright red-orange above and below. Grows on dead deciduous branches, twigs, and wood, mainly oak. This species is easy to spot, as both the top and underside are the same color — bright cinnabar-red to orange-red that makes it known as Cinnabar polypore. These mushrooms are going to be another entry of the #FungiFriday challenge, initiated by @ewkaw.








Thank You

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LensTamron Tele-Macro 70-300