Happy Friday for photography friends #fungfriday, today I submitted my entry for the #fungfriday contest sponsored by @ewkaw.
Yesterday morning when I was cleaning my home backyard, I accidentally found wild mushrooms growing around the pile of banana tree trunks and this is how mushrooms live in the summer they seek moist areas.
The mushroom grows singly alone with a fairly large umbrella size and the mushroom looks a little wilted and with the size of the umbrella that looks quite large this mushroom looks quite unique.To increase my knowledge about mushrooms I searched the internet for the name of the mushroom and it this turned out to be a Pluteus mushroom.
although the mushroom has withered with the size of an umbrella that looks so big, it looks quite beautiful and this is the first time I have found a wild mushroom as big as a this mushroom.
To the south of the house I also found a wild mushroom growing around the rotten coconut and the fungus also looked quite graceful even though the surface of the umbrella was slightly eaten by the rotten wood termites.