Aunque ustedes no lo quieran creer, esta es la segunda semana sin señal de internet, la prestadora del servicio no encuentra la solución, mientras tanto, y gracias a un amigo vecino puede visitar esta genial ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨ : ¨FungiFridayContest¨ : Se que cuesta mucho creer que haya pasado más de 15 días y el servicio de internet no se haya establecido, hemos ido en varias oportunidades a la empresa que brinda el servicio a reclamar, pero las colas de las personas que desean hacer lo mismo supera los trescientos metros, lo que significa que es un problema enorme y no saben cómo solucionar; hay quienes dicen que están reemplazando los cableados telefónico por fibra ópticas, y que el costo del servicio se duplicara el valor, una razón para no informar sobre la situación, no obstante, seguimos sin el servicio de conexión y con una enorme frustración para acompañar a mi amigo @ewkaw en su excelente

Source: Family Álbum
Although you may not want to believe it, this is the second week without an internet signal, the service provider cannot find the solution, meanwhile, and thanks to a neighbor friend you can visit this great ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨ : ¨FungiFridayContest¨: I know it is hard to believe that more than 15 days have passed and the internet service has not been established, we have gone to the company that provides the service on several occasions to claim, but the queues of people who want to do the same exceed three hundred meters, which means that it is a huge problem and they don't know how to solve it; There are those who say that they are replacing the telephone wiring with fiber optics, and that the cost of the service will double the value, a reason for not reporting the situation, however, we continue without the connection service and with enormous frustration to accompany my friend @ewkaw in his excellent
Al parecer estoy condenado a las frustraciones, hace algunos días tuve una cita para realizarme una ¨endoscopia¨, lo cierto es que al concurrir nos comunicaron que el dispositivo estaba averiado y no me pudieron realizar el estudio, otra gran frustración me lleve esta madrugada, recordaras que te comente en el post del día de ayer de la excelente noticia, donde me informaban que para hoy tres de la madrugada se canceló un turno y podía realizar el estudio de ¨resonancia¨, te podrás imaginar que concurrimos a la cita con una gran felicidad, este tipo de estudio son muy costosos, y cuando te realizan sin costos, hay que esperar varios meses. Lo cierto es que la persona que nos otorgó el turno no cambio el nombre del paciente en el sistema, y en consecuencia mi nombre no figuraba, fue una gran pérdida de tiempo, dinero y una gran frustración. Como sabes, cuando algo así sucede, suelo optar por visitar el predio para calmar mis ánimos, fue en estas circunstancias que dimos con esta enorme colonia de hongos
Apparently I am doomed to frustration, a few days ago I had an appointment to have an "endoscopy", the truth is that when I attended they told us that the device was damaged and they could not perform the procedure study, another great frustration took me this morning, you will remember that I commented on yesterday's post about the excellent news, where they informed me that for today at three in the morning a shift was canceled and I could carry out the "resonance" study, You can imagine that we attended the appointment with great happiness, this type of study is very expensive, and when they are done without cost, you have to wait several months. The truth is that the person who gave us the appointment did not change the patient's name in the system, and consequently my name did not appear, it was a great waste of time, money and great frustration. As you know, when something like this happens, I usually choose to visit the property to calm my spirits, it was in these circumstances that we found this huge colony of fungi

Source: Family Álbum
Que alegría haber encontrado algo así, he visto infinidades de veces esta variedad de hongos, pero nunca en una comunidad tan grande. La primera vez que vimos en comunidad a estos hongos fue hace unas cuatro semanas, pero no había tantos hongos juntos, es evidente que están cambiando el comportamiento, antes los veíamos solos o en pareja, ahora el comportamiento es diferente, no me quiero imaginar cómo se verán si continúan desarrollándose en comunidad

Source: Family Álbum
What a joy to have found something like this, I have seen this variety of mushrooms countless times, but never in such a large community. The first time we saw these mushrooms in a community was about four weeks ago, but there were not so many mushrooms together, it is evident that their behavior is changing, before we saw them alone or in pairs, now their behavior is different, I don't want to imagine how they will see if they continue to develop in community
Para aquellos que no han visto mis publicaciones anteriores de este tipo de hongo, les comento que se trata de un hongo muy conocido en gran parte del mundo como ¨Neolentinus¨ ¨lepideus¨ : Un tipo de hongo que se desarrolla en maderas o ramas de árboles en estado de descomposición y cuando el clima es húmedo. Creo que el gran desarrollo de estos es debido a la gran lluvia que hemos tenido hace unos días en mi ciudad

Source: Family Álbum
For those who have not seen my previous posts on this type of fungus, I would like to tell you that it is a fungus that is well known in much of the world as ¨Neolentinus¨ ¨lepideus¨ : A type of fungus that develops on wood or tree branches in a state of decomposition and when the climate is humid. I think that the great development of these is due to the great rain that we have had a few days ago in my city
No sé si a todos les pasa, ver la pureza blancura de este hongo, su cuerpo carnoso y el gran tamaño, tienen deseos de llevarlos en sus cestas para preparar una exquisita receta con ellos, si bien es una de esas especies que se puede consumir, mi falta de conocimiento no me da la seguridad para preparar una comida con ellos, cuando deseamos comer hongos, siempre vamos a lo seguro y compramos en la tienda. Una recomendación que les hago a todos, no consuma hongos que no están totalmente seguro si es comestible, la intoxicación puede ser extrema. Esta gran colonia de hongos pudimos fotografiar con nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨

Source: Family Álbum
I don't know if it happens to everyone, seeing the purity whiteness of this mushroom, its fleshy body and its large size, they want to take them in their baskets to prepare an exquisite recipe with them, if well it is one of those species that can be consumed, my lack of knowledge does not give me the security to prepare a meal with them, when we want to eat mushrooms, we always play it safe and buy in the store. A recommendation that I make to everyone, do not eat mushrooms that are not completely sure if they are edible, the poisoning can be extreme. We were able to photograph this large colony of fungi with our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨

Source: vimeo-free-videos
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It looks quite attractive, even at first glance like a delicious ready-to-eat bun.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visitYou are very right, dear friend @alexa-macro, it is a variety of mushroom that invites you to take it to the kitchen to prepare something delicious with it.
wow... No less, you also find a very unique and interesting type of mushroom.
They look very fresh.
I really like this type of mushroom.
have a nice dayThank you very much dear friend @furkanmamplam for appreciating the variety of mushrooms we found this week, you are very kind
very beautiful mushrooms. the mushroom seemed to be very fertile.
Thank you very much for appreciating the mushroom that we have found, you are very kind
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid weekendHow are you dear friend @mnurhiver good afternoon
I'm fine. how about you. hopefully you are also in good condition.
really a perfect invention ,,, really amazing ..
Thank you very much for visiting and commenting on my post.
have a nice dayHello dear friend @alvonsohiver good afternoon