Una vez más aquí en esta grandiosa ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: ¨FungiFridayContest¨: Un desafío que me permite cada semana poder enseñarles las variedades de hongos que hallamos en mi ciudad. En esta oportunidad hemos encontrado dos variedades en dos lugares muy diferentes para acompañar a mi amigo @ewkaw, en esta genial

Source: Family Álbum
Once again here in this great ¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: ¨FungiFridayContest¨: A challenge that allows me every week to show you the varieties of mushrooms that we find in my city. On this occasion we have found two varieties in two very different places to accompany my friend @ewkaw, in this great
Hace algunos días vi a varias personas pasar frente a mi casa con grandes hojas de palma, y fueron tantas las personas que pasaron que llamaron mi atención, en ese momento no pude saber de qué se trataba, o mejor dicho, de donde sacaban las hojas, ya que no es muy común ver este tipo de cosas en el barrio; días más tarde, mientras caminábamos rumbo a la reserva natural en busca de hongos, vi un gran tronco de palma cortado, incluso quedaban algunas hojas que tapaban una gran parte del troco. Para ser totalmente honesto me llamo mucho la atención que el dueño de casa haya decidido terminar con este hermoso árbol, unos minutos más tarde, el propio dueño me confirmaba que derribo el árbol a causa de unas alimañas que habían hecho nido en la copa del gran árbol, y a pedido de los vecinos tubo que sacrificar el árbol de palmera ¡Qué pena, sacrificar el hermoso árbol!

Source: Family Álbum
A few days ago I saw several people pass in front of my house with large palm leaves, and there were so many people who passed by that they caught my attention, at that moment I couldn't know what it was about , or rather, where they got the leaves from, since it is not very common to see this type of thing in the neighborhood; Days later, while we were walking towards the nature reserve in search of mushrooms, I saw a large cut palm trunk, there were even some leaves left that covered a large part of the trunk. To be totally honest, I was very struck by the fact that the owner of the house had decided to put an end to this beautiful tree. A few minutes later, the owner himself confirmed to me that he felled the tree because of some vermin that had made a nest in the top of the big tree. tree, and at the request of the neighbors I had to sacrifice the palm tree. What a shame, to sacrifice the beautiful tree!
Mientras hablábamos el hombre retiraba las grandes hojas que aún quedaban sobre aquel tronco, y grande fue mi sorpresa descubrir cuantos hongos había allí bajo las ramas. Se trata de una variedad que les había enseñado por primera vez hace unos veinte días atrás, cuyo nombre identifico ¨Googlelens¨: como ¨ ¨Gymnopilus¨¨Spectabilis¨:¨: Un tipo de hongo que se desarrolla en madera de árboles, en esta caso, sobre el tronco cortado de una palmera; por su apariencia no creo que sea comestible, de hecho no lo es, ya que estuve leyendo y puede ser toxico. Siempre sugiero no comer ¨hongos¨¨silvestres¨ si no están totalmente seguro a que variedad pertenece y que sea comestible

While we were talking the man was removing the large leaves that still remained on that trunk, and I was greatly surprised to discover how many mushrooms were there under the branches. This is a variety that I had shown them for the first time about twenty days ago, whose name I identify ¨Googlelens¨: as ¨ ¨Gymnopilus¨¨Spectabilis¨:¨: A type of fungus that develops in tree wood, in this case, on the cut trunk of a palm tree; From its appearance I don't think it is edible, in fact it is not, since I was reading and it can be toxic. I always suggest not eating wild mushrooms if you are not totally sure what variety it belongs to and that it is edible
Después de hacer varias tomas con nuestra cámara, y otras tantas fotografías con el teléfono de mi esposa (estas imágenes les voy a enseñar en otra oportunidad) era el momento de seguir caminado rumbo al predio natural que está a pocas cuadras de casa. Para ser honesto no estaba tan seguro que iba a encontrar hongo en la reserva, dado que la semana anterior no habíamos tenido mucha suerte. La variedad que hallamos en esta oportunidad es uno de esos hongos que nunca falta aquí, y fue genial volverlo a encontrar, se trata de una especie en que muchas veces les día a conocer ¨Neolentinus¨ ¨lepideus¨: otro tipo de hongos que su crecimiento depende del deterioro de troncos o ramas de árboles

Source: Family Álbum
After taking several shots with our camera, and many other photographs with my wife's phone (I will show you these images another time) it was time to continue walking towards the natural property which is a few blocks from home. To be honest I wasn't so sure I would find mushrooms in the reserve, since we hadn't had much luck the week before. The variety that we found on this occasion is one of those mushrooms that is never missing here, and it was great to find it again, it is a species that I often get to know ¨Neolentinus¨ ¨lepideus¨: another type of fungi whose growth depends on the deterioration of tree trunks or branches
Este ha sido otro día genial para la búsqueda de hongos, hemos hallado dos variedades hermosas en dos lugares muy diferentes, uno en una vereda de un vecino próximo a un basurero, y el otro en uno de los senderos naturales del predio. Como todos saben, pero no está de más recordarles, hemos utilizado nuestra ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ para la toma fotográfica

Source: Family Álbum
This has been another great day for mushroom hunting, we have found two beautiful varieties in two very different places, one on a neighbor's path near a garbage dump, and the other in a of the property's natural trails. As you all know, but it is worth reminding you, we have used our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ for taking photographs

Source: vimeo-free-videos
#posh compartido en mis redes sociales
I wholeheartedly appreciate the enormous support you always give me.
I wish you all a splendid afternoon
wow this mushroom is very big, I have never seen this mushroom in person. Thank you @jlufer for sharing good pictures
That was a surprising find, and it is the first time I had such a large mushroom in my hands.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit
have a happy mushroom friday
the fungus on your hand is quite big,..
This has been a big surprise for me to find such a big mushroom.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support you give me.
have a lovely afternoonHow are you dear friend @taqiem95 good morning
yeah, it's nice to have lots of mushrooms in your place.
Such a shame to cut a big tree like that.
Now the mushrooms will do the rest of the work decomposing what's left.
Happy #Fungifriday!
Yes, it is a shame to cut it, it is also curious that rats have nested in its crown, as far as I can tell, this is the second tree that has been cut this year because of vermin.
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit and support that you always give me.
have a beautiful weekend
Congratulations 🎉 @jlufer. You got a big mushroom and these little mushrooms look so pretty.
Thank you very much dear friend for appreciating the mushroom that I have presented
have a great day
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