FungiFriday - Antiques are getting rare

in FungiFriday2 years ago


I had been commuting from a nearby forest which is a common place where mushrooms thrive, and I was hoping to find some antiques (Language we often use for something else or define something different or unique to mushrooms).

I even looked for it under the coconut shell but the antique is nowhere to be found. Indeed, in our place the mushrooms are all that.


Yes, that's right, as if the types of mushrooms I found here have run out. Only creativity is left in determining the angle in aiming.

Like I did, Laying these trametes or polyporous mushrooms on the islets next to them grew. It's a cool place in my opinion.

Here are some photos of mushrooms as my contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw.








CameraOppo Reno6 + Macro Lens
CategoryMushrooms Photography
LocationAceh, Indonesia

What beautiful shots, congratulations you have found a variety of very beautiful mushrooms.
I appreciate that you have taught us
happy new year 2023Hello dear friend @kucibak-macro good day

Thank you :)

barang antik mandum euh :)

Ka lon antok2 laju, Kabeh tho dum lawet hana ujeun :)

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!