Hola a todos los seguidores de esta hermosa
¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: Estos últimos días hemos estado yendo seguido a la ciudad, ya que mi abuelo tenía varias ¨consultas¨¨médicas¨ que realizar, en una de las tantas visitas decidimos pasar por un parque antes de regresar a casa
Source: Family Álbum
Hello to all the followers of this beautiful
¨FungiFridayCommunity¨: These last few days we have been going to the city often, since my grandfather had several "medical consultations" to make, on one of the many visits we decided to stop by a park before returning home
Al parecer las cosas no han salido como mi abuelo esperaba, eso es muy evidente ya que no quiso regresar a casa una vez que hablo con el ¨profesional¨¨médico¨, algo poco común dado que siempre que visitamos un médico al terminar la consulta salimos corriendo rumbo a casa. Lo cierto es que visitamos un hermoso parque que está muy cerca del consultorio, y mientras caminábamos con mi abuela nos encontramos con un árbol y en su corteza crecía este hermoso hongo conocido en mi ciudad como
¨Hapalopilus¨nidulans¨: que pertenece a los hongos
¨políporos¨: cada vez que vemos con mi abuelo un hongo como este nos ponemos muy felices, ya que no es de esos hongos que encuentras siempre
Apparently things are not They have turned out as my grandfather expected, that is very evident since he did not want to return home once he spoke with the "professional" doctor, something unusual given that whenever we visit a doctor at the end of the consultation we run home. . The truth is that we visited a beautiful park that is very close to the office, and while we were walking with my grandmother we found a tree and this beautiful mushroom known in my city as
¨Hapalopilus¨nidulans¨: which belongs to fungi
¨polypores¨: every time my grandfather and I see a mushroom like this we get very happy, since it is not one of those mushrooms that you always find
Source: Family Álbum
debido a la rareza del hongo que hallamos permanecimos un rato apreciándolo, y si tengo que ser sincera con todos, pensé que sería el único hongo que hallaríamos en el parque, no es uno de esos lugares donde pensarías encontrar hongos, hay mucha concurrencia de personas y es muy probable que ellas las toquen o peor aún, la destruyan, pero eso no sucedió; un poco más adelante casi llegando al final del parque dimos con este tronco de árbol cortado
due to the rarity of the mushroom we found we stayed for a while appreciating it, and if I have to be honest with everyone, I thought it would be the only mushroom we would find in the park, it is not one of those places where you would think to find mushrooms, there are a lot of people and it is very likely that they will touch them or worse , they destroyed it, but that did not happen; A little further on, almost reaching the end of the park, we found this cut tree trunk
Source: Family Álbum
No creo que se imaginen la felicidad que sentí al ver a este tronco cortado de árbol con esta cantidad de hongos
¨Polyporaceae¨ : para ser honesta, no se si se trata de varios hongos o si es uno o dos de gran tamaño. Me llamo mucho la atención la forma y el gran tamaño de los hongos y que estuvieran así de conservado, creo por el lugar donde están es que no tienen la forma bien definida del hongo tipo ¨repisa¨
I don't think you can imagine the happiness I felt when I saw to this cut tree trunk with this amount of fungi
¨Polyporaceae¨ : to be Honestly, I don't know if it's several mushrooms or if it's one or two large ones. I was very struck by the shape and large size of the mushrooms and that they were so preserved, I think because of the place where they are they do not have the well-defined shape of the "ledge" type mushroom
Source: Family Álbum
El género de este hongo tiene una gran familia de especie, y por su color podría decir que se trata de una especie conocida como
¨Pycnoporus¨: dado que es muy común verlos de esta forma y sobre la superficie de rama, madera, o tronco de árboles. Para ser honesta con todos, no pensé que en el parque hallaríamos hongos para participar del
¨FungiFridayContest¨: de @ewkaw. Algunas de las fotografías las hizo mi abuela Gaby con su teléfono ¨Motoe7plus¨, y otras con la cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ de mi abuelo
The genus of this mushroom has a large family of species , and from its color you could say that it is a species known as
¨Pycnoporus¨: since it is very common to see them in this way and on the surface of branches, wood, or tree trunks. To be honest with everyone, I didn't think we would find mushrooms in the park to participate in the
Source: Family Álbum
by @ewkaw. Some of the photographs were taken by my grandmother Gaby with her phone ¨Motoe7plus¨, and others with my grandfather's ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera
It has been a surprise to see these beautiful mushrooms in the park
I love both species
Yes, it was a surprise, I would never have thought to find mushrooms in the park
This is really something different and unique from traditional mushrooms. :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!
They are one of those mushrooms that you don't see often, that's why they are great
Thank you very much @untilwelearn
Impresionante como crecer por todas partes y en cada hueco de cada árbol. Preciosas tomas @miprimerconcurso 😃
los hongos son muy llamativos, y lo ves en donde menos los esperas
Muchas gracias @avdesing
A vos, linda, que tengas una hermosa tarde!
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Thank you very much @hive-up