This very day, I was home and taking a walk within the compound when I came across this wonderful mushrooms. Seeing this beautiful piece of thing was satisfactory. Not anything other than I have been seeing mushrooms and have been posting about mushrooms but, I have never seen this kind of mushrooms ever before. Nature is truly amazing in its own way. I will take time to explain why I said nature is amazing.
So sometimes last month I cut down some palm leaves and left them to dry. Since we are in the dry season of the year. Which means we are yet to be experiencing rainfall in this part of the world. It did not take time before this leaves dried up and did set fire on them to be burnt. Then on this very day, I was just taking a walk when I saw this beautiful thing growing from the remnant of the burnt palm leave stick. This really caught my attention because who would believe that this beautiful thing was going to be growing from the least expected part of an object.
If someone else has taken these photos and told me that they are from the remnant of a burnt palm tree, I would have doubted. This is because I never expected a burn wood to still have the ability to have life, or grow anything. This is one yet another beautiful thing about nature
All photographs are mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy A24
The mushroom jamu is so beautiful, it's really entertaining to see the beauty of the mushrooms❤️