Fungifriday :: The Mushroom Collection I Serve This Friday.

in FungiFriday2 years ago


This is my contribution to #FungiFriday by @ewkaw.

Mushroom lovers friends in the Fungifriday community, today I can come back here like all of you to share some photos of the types of mushrooms I met a few days ago.
Several types of this mushroom have their own uniqueness both in terms of shape and color, of course, very beautiful and attractive.

The first order fungus is commonly known as Pycnoporus coccineus. This mushroom species is brick red in color. I found it growing on a rotting areca nut tree. This mushroom was born from the Polyporaceae family. The Pycnoporus mushroom looks similar to a Chinese fan.






Likewise with this second type of mushroom, I found it in the same place, namely on a rotting areca nut tree.
This type of mushroom is commonly known as Schizophyllum commune, some scientists say that this mushroom was born from the Schizophyllaceae family, in Aceh this mushroom is generally consumed by the public. This mushroom also has a very pleasant taste.

This second mushroom is also very interesting and also has very unique gills. I managed to take five front and back photos of these mushrooms, their habit of growing together or in groups.






Meanwhile, the third mushroom is shaped like a satellite and is shiny white in color. This species of fungus is also known as Baeospora myosura. This type of mushroom also has gills. In Indonesia it is considered toadstool because of its umbrella-like shape.

I found this mushroom on a kakau rotten twig after I took some pictures of this mushroom and then I edited it using two applications, namely snapseed and also the lightroom application.

This mushroom is also very unique and also interesting, let's have a look in the pictures section that I have uploaded in order, I think you will like it.







while the fourth order mushroom has physical characteristics such as a shell and some people say it is similar to a fan. This type of mushroom is very common, it can grow on various weathered wood, meaning that this type of mushroom does not choose a place to adapt, but this fungus is rarely found growing directly on the ground.

Some scientists named this mushroom as Stereum ostrea. Usually this mushroom grows in groups, but at that time I found that this mushroom only grows one part which is very unique.

I also took some pictures of the front and back of this mushroom. If you pay attention, this mushroom is very similar to the shape of a clam shell.
Friends, maybe these are just a few pictures of the types of mushrooms that I can present today, I hope you like them, thank you.





CameraSmarphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography.
LocationAceh Sumatara.

All the pictures of mushrooms that are friends are quite interesting for us to see

@mnurhiver Thanks a lot guys.