FungiFriday: Coprinopsis lotinae (Engl / Spn)

in FungiFriday8 months ago

Hello again, I hope you have a happy #FungiFriday. Taking advantage of the rainy season, I have continued observing the mushrooms on the backyard, and also in my internal garden, and today I brought some that grew in an empty pot from my internal garden. They are small mushrooms, without striking colors, I would say shy.

Hola nuevamente, espero que tengan un feliz #FungiFriday. Aprovechando la temporada de lluvias, he continuado observando las setas en el solar, y también en mi jardín interno, y hoy he traído unas que crecieron en una maceta vacía de mi jardín interno. Son unos hongos pequeños, sin colores llamativos, diría que tímidos.

A small fern grew in this pot and, for some unknown reason, died. The pot has been there for weeks, and days ago I decided to plant some cilantro seeds in it, when I came across these little mushrooms, so even though I am “hunting” for mushrooms, this was a chance discovery.

En esta maceta crecía un pequeño helecho que, por alguna razón desconocida, murió. La maceta ha estado allí, por semanas, y hace días me decidí a plantar unas semillas de cilantro en ella, cuando me encontré con estas pequeñas setas, por lo que aun cuando estoy “cazando” hongos, este fue un descubrimiento casual.

I could notice that there were three well-developed specimens, while the others were quite small, the peduncles or stipes had not yet emerged, they had not grown, they were just small white buttons protruding from the soil of the pot.

Pude notar que había tres ejemplares bien desarrollados, mientras los otros estaban bastante pequeños, aún no habían emergido los pedúnculos o estípites, no habían crecido, apenas eran unos pequeños botones blancos sobresaliendo de la tierra de la maceta.

Its colors are between white to gray. By contrasting images in Google Lens, I found matches with the genus Coprinopsis lotinae, which are saprophytic fungi, so they can grow very well on remains of plant material that is decomposing. The soil in this pot comes from the backyard, and I generally extract it from a place where many leaves and branches of tamarind and currant bushes fall.

Sus colores son entre blanco a gris. Haciendo la contrastación de imágenes en Google Lens, encontré coincidencias con el género Coprinopsis lotinae, que son hongos saprófitos, por lo que pueden crecer muy bien en restos de material vegetal, que esté descomponiéndose. La tierra de esta maceta, proviene del solar, y por lo general, la extraigo de un sitio en el que caen muchas hojas y ramas del tamarindo y de los groselleros.

They are very small mushrooms, which I confirmed in the electronic pages consulted (see the links at the end), that they do not grow more than 2 cm. Its stipe is comparatively longer than the cap, which in turn has a bell-like shape. The volva is notable, it can be clearly differentiated at the base of the foot, which for me is somewhat surprising, because I have not previously seen this characteristic so marked. They are not edible, so their function in nature is to help decompose plant material.

Son hongos muy pequeños, lo que corroboré en las páginas electrónicas consultadas (ver los links al final), que no crecen más de 2 cm. Su estípite es comparativamente más largo que el sombrero, el que a su vez tiene una forma como de campana. La volva es notable, se puede diferenciar claramente en la base del pie, lo que para mí es algo sorprendente, porque previamente no he visto esta característica tan marcada. No son comestibles, por lo que su función en la naturaleza es coadyuvar a descomponer el material vegetal.

Here I end my post today, in which I wanted to share some small, simple, shy mushrooms that I found by chance. Greetings to all, and remember that all living beings are very important for life on our planet. Hugs!

Aquí finalizo mi post de hoy, en el cual quise compartir unos hongos pequeños, sencillos, tímidos, que me encontré por casualidad. Saludos a todos, y recuerden que todos los seres vivos, son importantísimos para la vida en nuestro planeta. ¡Abrazos!

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  • Los divisores son cortesía de @eve66 quien comparte bellos diseños que embellecen el maquetado de nuestras publicaciones. // The dividers used are courtesy of @eve66 who shares beautiful designs that embellish the layout of our post.

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Looks like a simple , small and elegant mushroom 😀😍

Hi @mysteriousroad,yes, like that, really cute.

Thanks for your comment.


How great that the rains are blessing your background and the garden with these beautiful mushrooms. It's good that you don't have to walk far to find beautiful species of mushrooms.
Have a beautiful dayGood morning dear friend @sirenahippie

Hi @jlufer

Yes, there are mushrooms in my house, (only by rains), in both the internal garden and the back garden. Thanks for comment. Greetings.

That's a cute one :)
Sending Love and Ecency Vote!

Hi @untilwelearn

Thanks for your kind comment and your support.


excellent shotsIf it's true, these mushrooms look very shy, how small they are, I don't know how you managed to see them @sirenahippie

I saw them paying close attention. Thanks for reading and commenting, happy Sunday @miprimerconcurso