Yellow small mushroom

in FungiFridaylast year

This is my contribution today to #fungifriday by @ewkaw . Hopefully it can give a good impression of today's mushroom picture.

Back again in the weekly mushroom community, always feel like participating in this community all the time. I had the opportunity to see many mushrooms again, and I also wanted to show off some of my recent hunts. There are many types of mushrooms out there and in the damp groves they grow beautifully unpretentious.

But I showed you what was on the edge of the cocoa plantation, however the fungus will grow anywhere in many locations. This is not the first time I have found this type of fungus, with lots of wood waste, coconut shells and growing on the ground. Like some friends in the community have never even found mushrooms near the sea, the same goes for me who hasn't found this little mushroom in the forest because it's so small.

There are several cocoa leaves, according to my eyes, these leaves have been brought here for quite some time. On the rotten leaves, fungi thrive. This mushroom is still very shiny because it has just bloomed and there is still dew remaining on the petals.

I really like seeing the petals which are split and slightly rubbery like jelly when I touch them. The original color is light yellow and even slightly whitish. What I want to say is that this mushroom is very perfect with its character as if it grows and develops well.

Take picture
Camera:Vivo x60
Edit: Lightroom
Location: Aceh


I have never seen a cuter cluster of mushrooms.

It's not just the mushrooms that are perfect but your camera shots are also very perfect, I like mushroom pictures 1 2 and 3 I really like them 👍

It was like a seaside umbrella being hit by a stormy wind. Cool photo.

I appreciate you letting us know about this find.
Have a beautiful afternoonYou can't believe the beauty of this mushroom, dear friend @taqiem95, this week you surprised us with what you found