Good evening, FungiFriends!
Today, after a long day at work... I left much later than usual... And even though I left close to 10pm, I couldn't help but share another simple discovery I made on my last vacation. I've already talked about how fantastic it was, even though it was only 4 days, it felt so good!
This morning, before I left for work, I had already chosen the set of photos I was going to use for the #FungiFriday post. I'd edited them and all that remained was to compose the text.
This little publication is also from a place near Guarda. More specifically, Casal do Soeiro, near Mizarela. I'll talk a bit about these lands when I organize a publication dedicated solely to landscapes, lands, houses and people...
Today and now, I just want to relax and dream of a forest covered in a verdant carpet and dappled with intumescences that often appears around its coniferous friends.
The Misarela bridge is certainly one of the best attractions and guarantees a fantastic photograph over the River Mondego
The view on the way to Vila Soeiro, up the slope
The entrance to Vila Soeiro. Interesting that it has the same name as the last name of a friend of mine. I even called her to ask if she knew that village, and it seems that her parents had been there... Happy coincidence
In the middle of the climb, after entering Vila Soeiro, in the vegetation by the side of the road, just over half a meter from the tarmac, a cluster of very delicate and somewhat shy white hats appears. One of them even seems to have an indentation, have you noticed?
Always wanting to be as careful as possible not to rip them out of the substrate, or break their stems, I moved closer with the lens of my cell phone to capture their uniqueness
Look at its small size... Later on, they'll have a human thumb as a scale!

Carefully, I dodged the small leaves and vegetation that surrounded it, so that I could capture all its simple splendor. Have you noticed the concavity in the center of his hat? It's a pity it didn't rain less recently and I could have caught that concavity full of moisture
A few centimeters away, another specimen, this one with a less concave hat, but no less majestic or beautiful, appeared
Once again, and with the utmost care not to permanently damage the stem or the delicate roots,
I removed the foliage that surrounded it
You can call me a voyeur, but I really had to capture the gills and their perfection and symmetry, which leaves any lover of nature and simple things in complete awe
I couldn't find a satisfactory rating for this mushroom. Can any of you give me a possible one?
I wonder if it's a Lepista sordida
I hope you enjoyed my humble post here in your #FungiFriday community!
Thank you for taking the time to read my post
Bem Hajam🍀

Photographic edition with PhotoScape X

That little bridge is indeed very nice :)
It is one of the bridges classified as a building of public interest in Portugal 🤩
I just come across a few fungi they are nice and very glad to capture. White is also the most popular one in my local too. Have a nice day🥰!
Thank you for your comment @mich.brmey ! Have a great week :)