FungiFriday - Finding beauty in fungi

in FungiFriday2 years ago

Mala lepotica

Početak jeseni je prepun iznenađenja. Ne znate šta donosi svaki korak u šumi.
A koraci moraju biti pažljivi, i sitni, da ne biste prevideli ili nehotice zgazili sitna stvorenja.


Priroda se pobrinula i podarila svoje jarke boje kao mehanizam zaštite.

Ako imate dobru moć opažanja ne može vam promaći žuta kapica prečnika oko 1,5 centimetar. To je mlada gljiva čiji oblik kapice podseća na zvono. Nema drugih gljiva pored nje.


Ipak, nedaleko u šumi, još jedna mala gljiva privlači pažnju svojom kupastom, šiljatom kapicom jarko crvene boje.


25. septembar 2022. godine

Ove male lepotice su nejestive gljive poznate pod nazivom vešticina kapa, kupasta vlažnica (Hygrocybe conica), i imaju dosta varijeteta.

Nemojte ih dirati, one imaju svoje mesto i ulogu u prirodnom lancu. Ostavite ih kao ukrase u šumi.

Hvala vam na vremenu posvećenom mojim postovima.
Imajte divan dan!

Budite zdravi, srećni i veseli!


It looks amazing..


You are welcome

The campaign aims to onboard new application developers to grow our ecosystem. If you missed the presentation, you can watch it on YouTube.
You cast your vote for the proposal on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.

Thank you!Dear @zoricatech,May I ask you to review and support the Dev Marketing Proposal ( we presented on Conference Day 1 at HiveFest? /

Thank you for the info, @arcange. :) I will check the content...

Thank you, looking forward to getting your support for the proposal ⏳🙂

Woh!!! these mushrooms are really beautiful. I have never seen such beautiful mushrooms in my life, congratulations also for the excellent photographs. Unfortunately I don't understand the language in which you wrote this post, I ask the question in English. Are these mushrooms also edible?

These are inedible mushrooms. Although, they look so attractive…Thank you, @stefano.massari, for stopping by and for your kind words! :)

Thank you for clarifying that these mushrooms are not edible ... they are beautiful, but it is better not to touch them, the message is clear

The first one has absolutely amazing colour! Very nice find :)

@tipu curate 2

I agree with you, @ewkaw. Thanks for commenting. :)

wow the orange and red coloring is lovely 🤩unfortunately I'm unable to read our post at this moment so i just wanted to ask are they poisonous

wow narančasta i crvena boja su prekrasne, nažalost ne mogu čitati naš post u ovom trenutku pa sam samo htjela pitati jesu li otrovne

These are inedible mushrooms. Although, they look so attractive… ;)
Thanks for commenting, @loadreaper.

Ok good to know thank for the reply😁