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RE: Trimming

in Canna-Curate20 days ago

The trimming party was one of the things I looked forward to after harvest, I have to admit I've not been trimming like I used to, just pulling out the bigger leaves.

If I had a harvest like yours I'd seriously consider getting a trimming machine 🤣💪


The trimming party is my favorite part I think. The entire process has special moments but the satisfaction that comes with every trimmed bud makes it more enjoyable because growing cannabis is such a long process that requires so much patience.. the final "work" magnifies that feeling of "reward."

I tend to enjoy the trim work itself, but I can admit I'd probably want a trim machine for anything bigger than these harvests... It's not a 1 day trim party right now, it's already been 2 days of trim work and only about 25% of the way done. It's been a quarter pound trim per night currently, these are not words of complaint ;D