Last Days..

in Canna-Curate2 months ago

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Good morning, everybody and welcome to today's show where I am hot boxing the truck.. today is my last day in Roswell, and I have plenty of plans. Hopefully the plumber shows up, But if not, there's still plenty of mystery shopping for me to do.. and it's actually pretty good timing beings tomorrow.I am leaving to head back to Colorado. i'll say this.I'm not looking forward to that drive..

Anyway, today's show got a little bit of football talk and a little bit of bullshit talk, you know me, no scripts, no plan, no nothing just turn the camera on, start talking..




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Man you must hate those spreads as much as I do. How the hell do they pick them so accurately?

Good luck with the renovations and the drive home tomorrow. If is 10 freedomheit up here so hopefully you don't get this polar vortex down there.

The Vortex is here

Yeah well…….

I hope the guy shows, I hate waiting for that kind of stuff! Sounds like Roswell is a great place to mystery shop! Enjoy your last day in Roswell, that drive is a painful one!

I hope the stuff you buy is good stuff, the best part is that it's free!

I bought gas.. $30 in free gas plus $45 for the 90 minutes it took.

Damn, I love your mystery shop life.

I got some preroll J's a few weeks ago and I hotboxed the bathroom while I was taking shit. Been a while since I was that high 😎


My favorite is hot boxing the bathroom while soaking in the tub.. the steam just adds to it
