Happy St Patrick's Day..


Good morning, and welcome to today's show where it is Saint Patrick's Day... So not only am I smoking the green, i'm also wearing it... and I'm showing it off.. today we're gonna explore the difference a dollar makes when purchasing cannabis.. Actually research.. backed up by facts and shit.. not like that news you watch on TV.. So funny story this morning.. it took me 2 tried to film today's show.. Dumbass forgot to start the camera the first time

Also, no MoTD today (the Irish are too easy to poke fun at) but I got something better.. I'm sharing one of the Irish jams off my play list.. it's called Potato Jelly... jk 😆..

Peace out..




If you forgot to start the camera you obviously had been smoking already! lol You got age restricted again, bastards. Happy St. Patty's Day and you should add some green beer to go with that green shirt and joint!

The feeling of acting/talking and have to repeat again because camera wasn't turned on during the first 😂

Happy st Patrick's Day to everyone celebrating

Happy St Fartricks Day !PIMP