It's a work day..


Good morning y'all and welcome to today's show where yes you read that head line correctly.. I'm going to work today.

Here's a copy of the texting I did to get this job..


I didn't even want a job. I was just fucking around.. but it does pay $25/ hour to hang Christmas lights.. Fucking Christmas..

Other than that there's nothing new (bald-faced lie) in this week's Christmas season.. I just thought of something.. isn't it a bit early to be putting up Christmas lights. It's barely November..

Fucking hate this stupid ass fake holiday..

Peace Out..

Merry Christmas???!!!??


Lol Dave.

It's something at least and $25/h isn't that bad. It will keep you occupied and make your pockets heavy. At least you can spend on things you want during the holidays.

I already bought my Christmas present.

great news, i am looking for another job while i finishing my current job as a technical writer :D