Good morning y'all and welcome to today's show.. you know the drill by now.. I'm @davedickeyyall and this is #themorningbowl.. the show with no script, no editing and no filters.. you get what you fucking get. Don't bitch, Be happy..
So today's title is %100 true.. pick payout get a upvote.. easiest 3 cents ever.. regulars will know I recently had a eye exam to get glasses.. So I got the prescription and yesterday Beth decides she wants to help pick out frames... so between her and I we picked 6 pair.. Which pair looks the best? Pick a pair. Comment your pick. Get a upvote. Sounds pretty simple right? I'm sure there will be several dummies that fuck it up. Anyway here are the choices..
Which pair of glasses looks the best on me? For the sluts ladies out there, which pair screams I want to suck that man's dick looks best..
Pick a pair, get a upvote. It ain't rocket science..
▶️ 3Speak
The rimless in F by far the best!
Did you hear about the big earthquake you missed down in the Caribbean?
I did not hear about a earthquake.. but I'll Google it in a few
Or these...

Curious which ones Beth likes. I'm going to guess she likes D.
Lol she hates D. She likes A
Gats be B..
Either E or F, the other make you look too smart 🤓
F! I sincerely think it would look good.