Good morning, and welcome to today's show where I am at home. Doing my normal thing smoking weed, I'm going in to take a look at the plants I figure I might as well go ahead and turn on the camera and show off what I've got going on. I'm getting ready to order a larger grow light so I can flower one of these inside..
Beth has been using her home office for work a lot more recently and it inspired today's meme of the day..
Any growers for input on this light?
The plant on the left is looking good, I hope the new grow light helps them grow! How long until you can try the one on the right outside? It's still pretty cold there isn't it?
By the way, no clock talk today? How's the house doing in Roswell?
May 15 is the outside day.. I'm hoping that plant is how by then.. I wasn't a 3 lb harvest off 1 plant.. We haven't been to Roswell in a while. Beth is working a lot plus school is kicking her ass
put it in the middle of the city hahaha, here in my city we usually germinate plants on the beach as a joke or the bus station in hidden place :D