Growing Cannabis Day 2: hemp me baptize these kids

in Canna-Curate5 months ago

I could not think of a good title. I reckon I probably never can make a catchy title. Who cares though. Never judge by the cover. Unless your speed dating, then no covers is best.

Yesterday I showed the world I was completely evil enough to drown Mrs Jane's babies.

It was payback for all those times they made my joint stink and pop ashes into my eyes and the taste of the smoke turn to shit.

This morning, I showed the land I had to work with. Those pics were taken about 08:30 and as you can see the yard gets plenty of sunshine already. If you see the photo showing a mud brick wall, that side gets the longest area of sunshine. So I have chosen to use that area for growing my seeds.

Good news, they got tired of swimming to stay afloat. Most have completely drowned to the bottom. Suckers.

The water even went murky yellow. I changed it after I took the picture.

Don't worry it's not actually real human babies preserved in mason jars for later BBQ sessions. Just regular cannabis seeds.


Bad news is that there going to have to wait till tomorrow which is ok because nothing seriously bad will happen to them. I've done this hundreds of times with these seeds and they all sprout fine even after 1 week being submerged in water.

Unfortunately, it raining hail right now so burying the seed to hide my blasphemous deeds is postponed. Wasn't I just talking about the driest climate ever yesterday? YUP! go figure.

So tomorrow for sure, in the ground. Raining or not. They are getting buried.


It's 21:00, had a long day but here's some things I accomplished today with little amount of words. A picture journey if you will.

Took these apart, carefully. Electricity is no joke.


To later install this thing. Let you guess what that is.


Then After hauling all that and the cable that was present to a different job site for a welding company.











We stopped here because it started raining.


Just realized some photos got uploaded not in The correct order. Oh well. You get the picture of what went down.

Cheers everyone.