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RE: Gelato and Syrup Auto Flowering Update: Battling Against the Odds (English/Spanish)

in Canna-Curate5 months ago (edited)

In my country it is becoming more and more evident that those who seize power are psychopaths

That's good news then. More people are slowly waking up, questioning authority to some degree. It's a start.

One day there will be enough questioning them and they will fall in power. Once their deception is open to the public, all they have left is to be forceful. And those don't last long either.

I removed some fabric fibers that have fallen in the buds perhaps by the wind and as the buds are sticky tend to accumulate these particles,

Or maybe it's metallic strands from the chem trails. Quite plausible.
Or spider web or silk from worms could be too.

Nice plants BTW! Looking forward to seeing more.


No, they are particles of synthetic fabric and I checked in the photo of the cover is clearly seen, and already remove that material was on the terrace near something near the plants, I usually have the clinical eye and when I have doubts, investigate, so I took an eye all over the terrace, even came to think it was cat hair but no, it is what I mentioned.

I also helped myself with a magnifying glass to remove debris that was on the leaves, but in the morning if the weather is still good I will keep checking.

Yes, but in my country, it is crazy, since it is a narco-dictatorship, I imagine you have seen something in the news and as state terrorism has also been implemented, it is a really abnormal situation. where are you from? and how long have you been cultivating?

México and this will be my fourth full round in 3 years. Made many mistakes and in very low budget but hopefully this time will go much smoother.

If at the beginning it is usually like that, many mistakes are made, once you get the hang of it, study and learn what is necessary, everything flows automatically because you know what you have to do to bring healthy plants to all their life cycles, so you understand Spanish perfectly?

Pues, no perfecto pero suficiente. La gente de aquí lo luego saben que español no es mi primaria lenguaje aunque soy hispano. Toda la mayoría de mi vida en el chuko, so ya te lo sabes. Muy bonito vistas por todos lados. Ahorita solo buscando la paz.

Muchas gracias por los consejos. Soy "novice" aún.

Saludos de Aldama.