Grow Diaries 2024 #17 Flower Update

in Canna-Curate5 months ago


This post is about medical/recreational cannabis.
I recommend you don't use it.
It could be illegal in your country.
Be careful!


shot a minute ago


These plants are performing so well...
I am excited every morning, when I go check on them

Only 9 days ago, they looked like this:

the plant in front here is now the plant in the background above

Quick One

As mentioned before, the strain is called 'Quick One'. It's from RoyalQueenSeeds and they accepted BTC as payment.
Hive paid for my seeds. Thanks!

While their claim '9 weeks to finish' was false advertisement, I am impressed how similar the 2 plants are. Not much variety there. They look exactly the same and are in the exact same stage of their lifecycle.

11 weeks from pop to finish seems realistic at this point.



This is the first time I am growing autos.
They are certainly quick.
95%+ of pistils are pristine and fully white, still.
They are gaining weight by the minute.

The sun is blasting outside.
I am sitting here, working, sweating.
I'd be annoyed by the weather at this point, but I am happy for my plants.


looks nearly identical to the other plant, just a bit larger


At this stage, I could/should probably start defoliating.
I just can't get myself to do it.
The plant spent so much energy building those leaves...
...I don't feel like ripping them off.

Airflow seems ok...
As long as it is all green, I'll just let it be, for now, I think.



This is the only photoperiodic plant I have.
This one will need defoliation.
Sadly, I don't know much about its genetics.



I think this might be the start of it flowering.
Asking the more experienced people out there...

The plant is stressed, but looks happy enough.
It's in a tiny pot.

Maybe I'll transplant it.
Maybe I'll feed it some mineral fertilizer.
Haven't decided...


i am agree with others, move those plants to another pot they need more earth to expand the roots or you will need some chemistries to the buds :D

Do the transplant. It literall never hurts and the new soil also has more food in there. It doesn't even have to be a huge pot just a bit more space.

The plant looks happy though! Just the lower leaves a little yellow but still nothing irreversible I guess?

Do the transplant. It literall never hurts and the new soil also has more food in there.

You are 100% correct.

Thing is: I try to keep the plant short and small, so I don't annoy my neighbors too much and keep it a bit stealthy. That's why the pot is tiny.

Discussed this here and here.

The plant looks happy though! Just the lower leaves a little yellow but still nothing irreversible I guess?

It's irreversible, and the plant seems to be resorbing some nutrients from those leaves right now.

The lower leaves don't get much sun and would have to come off anyways.
It's not intuitive, but taking those leaves off will increase yield.

It's called lollipopping and I'll make a post about it.

I challenged myself to not spend any money on this grow.
Truth is: I don't have a bigger pot available right now and I don't want to buy one 😅

Exactly..i always take a lot of the lower leaves off preventitively but that is more as pruning for growth and you dont want that haha.

No basket lying around with a garbage bag in there?

And otherwise for nutrients you can also take a bananapeel ans stick it in a jar for 2 days. The nutrients coming from the peel in the water also do wonders!

For nutrients, I just top-feed some compost.
And occasionally spent coffee grounds, also to lower the PH.

You can't beat mineral fertilizers in the late stages, though.
I'll probably use some then.

And no: I have no container available at all. least not one, where I am willing to drill a whole into.

I'm not sure it'll work for weed plants, but I know people that has used grow bags? Not sure if that's really the name.(I've not used them either)
Personally, I'd improvise if you have something similar🤷 again I'm not sure it'd be recommended for weed plants.. Just thinking how to replant without spending anything🤗

Actually, I will buy special cloth-bags for the plants for next season.
Because they let air through, they serve as 'root trainers', preventing the plant from getting root-bound.

I want to keep it minimal budget, but these bags are really worth it. And they are reasonably cheap. Can recommend, but needs much more watering, because it allows for more evaporation.

For now, the small pot is ok. It's an experiment, kinda...

🤗 oh ok cool. Hope it turns out good for you☺️
And thanks for the info about them🤗

The Quick One autos are looking great.

It's possible the variations have been bred back to yield consistent results with the strain. I'm curious to know and will do some research on this genetic to see if the information is available.

The airflow is good with a large node spacing and deep coloration in the foliage, and signs are present of nutrient depletion from the bottom leaves up at a healthy rate with green still left in the yellowing foliage. For this reason I would opt to not defoliate at this time.

The photoperiodic appears to be pre-flower crowning.

You're doing a great job with these plants.

Ideally, I should post about the photoperiodic and auto plant separately, as it gets confusing. But that would be too many posts, and I don't want to reward-farm like a dickhead. My payouts are good - more than I think I deserve...
But things are happening so quickly now - there is so much to write about.


I don't have to do anything special at this stage, I think.


Needs a larger pot and/or a nutrient boost, I think.
If this is the start of flower, then vegetative growth stops for the most part and I don't need the small pot to restrict its height anymore.
This plant has poor airflow now. I also get much less wind on the balcony now - almost no circulation, which is bad - Not right now, but once the buds start forming there will be too many spots for mold to take hold...

I am also planning to harvest in stages. I did not top the plants - maybe I'll dedicate another whole post to why - and the top buds are well ahead of the lower buds.

So many things are going on at the same time now.
I have a hard time writing these posts without it being all over the place...

You're doing a great job with these plants.


I get what you mean about breaking posts up.. It's tough though when you have a lot of things going on all at once.

I've thought about making separate grow logs for all of my different types of plants lol, but I hardly churn out a post per week as it is so that's not happening anytime soon, I also have a lot of things going on, albeit most of it is in my head.

The photo period would benefit greatly from a transplant, and as someone else in the comments mentioned, the added soil will add some nutrients to the expanding root system as well.

The vegetative growth will slow but a sizable stretch may be coming, and this stretch would be diminished without the transplant. I wouldn't wait too long to perform the transplant since she is crowning.

This plant has poor airflow now. I also get much less wind on the balcony now - almost no circulation, which is bad.

Indeed... Can you run an extension cord and fan out there? Might solve the airflow problem.

Indeed... Can you run an extension cord and fan out there? Might solve the airflow problem.

I could, but that's against everything this grow stands for.
So far it cost me 1 teabag and half a cigarette. (0.1$)

The photo period would benefit greatly from a transplant, and as someone else in the comments mentioned, the added soil will add some nutrients to the expanding root system as well.

okokok. I'll do it. :D

I have some well aged compost in a bag, just sitting there.

sizable stretch may be coming

If it doesn't double in size, it will still be small enough, I guess...

die schauen sehr gut aus.Alles im grünen bereich ;) zu kleine töpfe sind mist, da diese pflanze sehr tief wurzelt. grosse töpfe besserer ertrag ;) auch gelbe blätter geben der pflanze energie !!! und entlauben tut man nur die unteren großen blätter. wie willst du gutes gras bekommen wenn du der pflanze den motor abstellst ;) ? lass es dir schmecken. lg

Die kleinen Töpfe sind halt Absicht.
Die Pflanzen sollen kurz bleiben, weil ich meine Nachbarn nicht belästigen möchte und etwas 'undercover' bleiben will.
Darüber habe ich bereits geschrieben. hier und hier.

Logo entlaube ich nur unten... lollipopping

Ansonsten vielen Dank, dass Du mich auf Dinge hingewiesen hast, die ich bereits selber wusste.

Ich baue auch schon 25 jahre an. Ist sehr entspannend und aufregend zugleich finde ich. Ich wusste nicht das du erfahren bist ;) Man darf ja erst seit kurzem offiziell in Deutschland.
Hier gibts Ärger wenn se dich erwischen :( Aber in D nicht mehr verboten, genau aus dem Grund würde ich auf die Nachbarn pfeifen. und wenn wer fragt wirds Medizin und Tee :D Aber machs wie du das willst!!! will dir nichts einreden !!!
Ich finde das Thema Cannabis allgemein sehr interessant, in jeder Beziehung, ein Zauber(UN)kraut!!! 😻
wir freuen uns auf weitere Bilder, lg

Naja Cannabis baue ich natürlich erst an, seit es legal ist. ;)

Ich baue halt einfach Gemüse und soetwas seit... langem an.

Ich habe aber extrem viel über Cannabis gelesen und mir angesehen usw.
Und ich hab auch in der Schule immer schön aufgepasst.

Auf die Nachbarn kann ich nicht pfeifen. Es gibt hier ein Emissionsschutzgesetz. Das besagt, dass ich meine Nachbarn nicht mit Lärm oder Geruch oder so belästigen darf.
Ausserdem möchte ich auch aus Prinzip keinem auf den Sack gehen, wenn ich es verhindern kann.

Leuchtet ein. Besser ein guter Nachbar sein ;)

I really love the Royal Queen Seeds blogs, it is my go to source of information when I like to share something. Never got to try anything from them, at least knowingly. Excited to see how these turn out for you. One thing forsur they are looking great!

As good as their blog posts may be, the description tab on the seeds is lacking.
No information about how much it stretches, no info on how much re-breeding has been done...
In most cases they just copy paste the description of the photoperiodic to the auto-variety, leaving a total nonsensical text there.
I think they do that, because they don't even know. I also guess their seeds are different from batch to batch - I got a good one it seems - not complaining about the general quality, as that seems pretty good, actually.