Grow Diaries 2024 #23: Quick One Done

in Canna-Curate6 months ago


This post is about medical/recreational cannabis.
I recommend you don't use it.
It could be illegal in your country.
Be careful!


'plant no.2' freshly harvested and hung upside down

Quick One

While the plants looked perfectly similar during some stages, the final flower is quite different between the 2 plants.
plant no.1 foxtailed and has large and fluffy, light green buds.
plant no.2 has denser, heavier, but also smaller buds.

Some of the difference is purely genetic, some was caused by other factors.
I'll have to get more experience to come to any further conclusions.

Anyways, I tested some of the first bud and it's potent.
I have tried very expensive, high grade bud in Amsterdam's coffeeshops.
My harvest is clearly not perfect, but I'd say 70% as potent as the best I ever had.

If I could change anything, I'd prefer to have more, but weaker buds.
But Quick One already is a low THC strain @13%...
I'd prefer a milder effect, but I am not complaining.


lower parts of plant no.2 after I took the main cola out
I'll leave this outside for another few days...


First of all, this grow proved what I already knew: Growing weed isn't rocket science.
You don't have to buy any expensive gear, you don't need lamps, no special fertilizer.

All it takes is sun, water, soil.

Going into it, I kept myself a mental escape route open: If the final flower is bad, at least I can claim that it's organic, grown low (no) budget, it's natural, it's mine... etc.
Truth is, the final product can compete with any bud.
It's not a cup winning grow, but it isn't noticeably bad or weak.
If I had bought this quality at mid range price, I'd be very happy.

Especially autoflowers make it easy.

What I can certainly improve the most on is

  • choosing the best harvesting point
  • drying and curing process

I can improve the final outcome a lot with those two points.
Vegging and flowering went so well, I won't change a thing.


plant alpha is in flower now


While the chapter on the Quick Ones comes to an end, the first (and last) plant still has a long way to go.

I think 'plant alpha' is Super Skunk. I am not exactly sure.
I mixed up the seeds and later the pots... The beginning was a bit chaotic.
Thanks to this grow diary, I got better at documenting the process, and in the end that helps improve.

I'll update in a week.


Don't buy the products.
It's a plant - and a particularily forgiving one to grow.

The most challenging and most crucial part for me was the final processing.
I still have to learn a lot about it.


i used to add phenix to soil it is an organic product like a super compost in tiny pills but it needs be add it before to make sure that will not affect the plant, i recommended. super cheap and can fertilizate a complete country this is

The language barrier is killing me 😅

I pay 0$ for compost. Buying compost is the most ridiculous idea, ever.

no pago nada.
no nececitas dinero. compost es gratis.
ojas muertos, materiales... organico alrededor; el medio ambiente. la natura. 🤣

Let me get this clear, so it's your first time growing? It gave me doubts when you say that it is not rocket science 😅

Of course I agree with you, it is better that it is yours and natural, you know all that you have put into it, and the work it has given (although nature takes care of most of it) the waterings, the hours of sunshine, the daily check for bugs, etc. All that is merit that you can harvest and be proud of your crops.

I also liked discovering that I am not the only one who throws away seeds, then mixes them, transplants and that makes me confuse the genetics and that, but in the end, they are alive and are a reason to be proud of them.

Let me get this clear, so it's your first time growing?

I have grown a lot of different vegetables and other things over the years.
I mean, I also grow killer potatos 😎:

I'd categorize cannabis as one of the easiest plants.
Not quite as easy as beans, but far easier than broccoli or carrots.

I also liked discovering that I am not the only one who throws away seeds, then mixes them, transplants and that makes me confuse the genetics and that, but in the end, they are alive and are a reason to be proud of them.

It started out very organized and neat.
But then the first 3 seedlings never germinated and I panicked and in the end, I had too many pots and seeds and only 1 survived.
It's a longer story and it was a stupid fault of my own - all of it 😕. I wrote about it somewhere earlier...

Even though I have done it many times, I also start very organized and then I get comfortable and let them live without any more worries, hehe.

It is one of the easiest, yes, and certainly carrots have many more complexities. I congratulate you, because you discover that the important thing is to give them everything the best and most natural as possible. This way it becomes an easy art to take the hand of nature. If you start putting fertilizers or chemical things on it, it makes something that is simple and beautiful when it is natural a little bit more complex.

By the way, Wow those potatoes! Applause to the gardener! 👏

If you start putting fertilizers or chemical things on it, it makes something that is simple and beautiful when it is natural a little bit more complex.

I disagree a little bit.
Chemical fertilizers are very easy to dose right and work instantly.

My approach is to keep it as simple and cheap as possible.

My main point is: you don't need extra special, expensive cannabis fertilizer.

I will use a mineral phosphorus fertilizer next run, maybe...

Oh, maybe it's because I'm not good at calculating liters and how much to use, for me it's quite difficult to add chemicals, haha I speak from the little I've experimented with them and how I've seen my friends calculate them...

Those beauty’s ;)

did you use LST to have more branchs? but you got nice buds there for quick grow