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RE: Grow Diaries 2024 #16 'Living Soil' And A Weird Growth 🍄

in Canna-Curate6 months ago

I can't get over this:

Somewhere, someone shovels coal into a plant, burns it, that heats up water, that produces steam, the steam is run through turbines, those produce electrical current.
The current gets transformed and distibuted via long ass cables and things, gets transformed again and delivered to people's walls.

Then people have plants under a roof, which blocks out the sun.
They use the coal power (or oil or whatever), to grow the plants.

That's so backwards - just from an energy viewpoint.

Imagine, if I told you:
I have no bycicle, but instead I have a stationary push-bike at home, connected to a generator, where I charge an e-scooter battery with it.
I have to pedal for 2 hours, to use the scooter for 5 minutes (tops).


Maybe I am bitter about this; under prohibition, we only had indoor weed.
Just from an environmental, pollution, energy efficiany viewpoint - just imagine the amount of CO2 that releases, the infrastructure it takes, all while the sun is shining - Doing the same thing, just as good, if not better.


Imagine, if I told you there likely may have been forms of free energy in use all around us at one point in history, and the use of fossil fuels was quite a sinister plan in the long run, but that's a slight deviation/digression from the topic of discussion.

I can't disagree with the logic, and there may not be as huge of a digression as may be apparent. I live in a legal place to grow it outdoors, but the greed of man has made that an impossibility where I reside with my current resources at hand, and if I had the resources to safely do it here, I'd likely move to a safer place to do it with those resources.

Prohibition and the corporate cannabis industry hasn't made it any easier, and there's still plenty of states in this land I reside in where it's flat out illegal to grow it still, even though it's the same country.

In a perfect world I probably would have started off growing weed outdoors, but life did not provide the means for this to happen, but I still became a weed grower with the resources I had at hand, even if it's the lesser desired way to grow, and I can't see this as a bad thing.

I still think what I've gained over the past years growing weed in tents will help me grow weed better outdoors when I start, the same way cycling that bike generator would make you stronger in some ways, and you would be doing the environment a favor by producing that power yourself, Lithium Ion is anything but energy efficient, don't get me started on that one...

I was going to write that the sun is free energy.
I think you misunderstood my point with the bycicle. I implied, that it would be easiest to just use a bycicle instead of an e-scooter.

Then you come at me with 'free energy' and lithium-ion batteries and I thought it would be best not to increase the misunderstandings.

Sunlight is free, plants are the best bio-reactor we have to harvest sun energy and to store it, chemically. (In the form of carbo-hydrates)
That's it. That was my message.