It's nice to hear that your cannabis plants are thriving this time, hopefully they will be well maintained so that they mature faster, oh yes By the way, what is the use of pruning at a young age on this cannabis plant my friend, will they bloom faster or how?
Fungi, in my opinion, is one of the pest factors that must be eliminated as soon as possible, my friend.
Yes, I am glad they are doing better this time around.
By pruning them young, I can control their shape better. Otherwise if I do not, they may grow too tall and get too close to the light bulb burning the buds.
So true, glad I cleaned up in there.
Oh, the use of pruning the shoots to form the task part so that it is not too long, will this cannabis plant until it can be harvested be in my friend's room?
May they continue to thrive my friend until the harvest time.