Crack Mack Update - The Importance Of pH

in Canna-Curate2 months ago

Hello Everyone,

Things have been coming along pretty good with the Crack Mack cannabis plant.

I had a mishap along the way with pH, so today we're going to talk about how important that is.

Strain:Crack Mack
Nutrients used:MaxiBloom 5-15-14
Phenotype traits:Intense Fruity Aroma
Lineage:Green Crack/Big Mack Superstar/Miracle Mack.
Current growing stage:Flowering.
Current plant age:112-TOTAL/42 Days-FLOWER
Sex:Photoperiod/Auto recessive
Location:Syracuse New York

The pH level in my soil recently went down to 4.5, which is way too low for cannabis. I started having all kinds of yellowing foliage and it became extreme when using Maxibloom nutrient feed, because I did not know that the product will lower the pH and was not checking my pH after adding the Maxibloom.

This was a huge mistake and I was lucky to have caught it early because it is all corrected now.

Let's see what I've done to fix the problem.


I decided to upgrade my testing gear and get this meter for my water tub, while also implementing use of a soil meter I already had but hadn't been using.


The city water is not the best for cannabis and this is one of the reasons why. The pH is very high from the tap, and I know of a couple gardens that got damaged pretty badly this year from garden hose watering.

Watering the cannabis with a 8.1 would create serious issues with nutrient uptake through the root system, so I need to get this down to a range that is good. I'm aiming for a 6.


Utilizing this pH down solution and this handy pipette, the numbers on that meter will start to go down as I inject the solution into the water.


Like we can see here in this gif that I made to show how it's done.

I continued to add pH down until getting a 6 on the meter.


Prior to watering the soil is reading 5.5, and this will go up some during the watering and back down a little after absorption, but slowly the baseline number becomes a little higher every day.

The issue is slowly correcting and the plant is within a safe range.

Let's see how happy the plant is looking after taking this corrective measure.




We can see what's crackalackin' with this Crack Mack, she's doing her thing.

I can't stress enough how important pH is for growing cannabis. It's a good idea for anyone growing plants in general to get pH testing kits to get a read on things, and if the range is not good for the plant(s) in question, ensure to pH the water to the correct range.

I was motivated to write about pH by @rachaeldwatson, who has been learning to grow cannabis and sharing her journey with us. I hope this post helps a bit with pH for you @rachaeldwatson!


That's gonna do it for this Crack Mack update and the importance of pH.

How is the Crack Mack looking to all of you?

I'd love to read your thoughts in the comment section!

Thank you for stopping by!

Have a good day! -@futuremind


Looks like a little forest in there.

How well does the nutrient setting work on that meter?

Thanks man she's a big plant.

It's hard to say for sure how well that nutrient meter works because it reads on the lower side of medium even after freshly fed with a heavy dose, which I was looking at last night.

I feel like the pH and moisture features are the only useful features, but hey those two are pretty useful so it's ok that the other stuff doesn't work great on it. I'll just have to upgrade to some better testing gear when I can.

It surprises me enormously how delicate these plants are, you have to have everything measured to the millimeter and well this little event helped you to learn how this fertilizer behaves and as you shared it more people will take it into account.

Thank you my friend!
It is certainly no easy task to create a future vision of the plants shape while working through training. Sometimes the plants do not react exactly as one may think. This particular plant got way bigger than I anticipated, so I was very lucky that the space requirements were met in a perfect way. You have a very good eye for spotting the intricacies of what this process takes to be successful.

Very awesome man! Lovin the way you're adjusting the grow as problems arise! You should have some nice colas!

Thank you bro! So far the budding is on the thin side, but the quality of this bud is looking extremely high so I'm really not stressing if they don't get huge. It's gonna be some heavy stuff whether it weighs a lot or not ;D

Nice pin dude, and even nicer buds!!

Thank you bro! Had a few slip ups on this one but maybe I'll do better with the clone. She's happy though that's for sure :)

Beautiful plant, beautiful smile. My dad once told me the reason he put charcoal into his orchid pot, but somehow I forgot the reason is to reduce acidity? Didn't know it will be the opposite for these happy plants nutrient absorption 🤔

Thank you man. I think adding charcoal to the soil has a few benefits, but I'm not sure how much to use. Do you remember how much charcoal your dad used for his pots?

I might try that method to see what happens.

Charcoal is alkaline, think it's contradicting to what you're doing now, but generally for the same reason, for better nutrients absorption. The last I checked, pot full of charcoal 🙂 I think I can start a BBQ campfire by just lighting up the orchids 🤣

Beautiful plants! I told my boys I need a ph kit. 😆 we didn't have city water but I'm sure they still treat it.
Do I need netting? I noticed so if yours.. Is that to help keep the limbs from breaking?
Loving the info thanks for tagging me🤗

Thank you! 🤗
It will be interesting to see what your pH reads when you get a kit. I think overall your pH is probably in a good range because the plant looks happy!

The netting helps support the branches and promotes growth of big heavy buds. It's not a bad idea to use one depending on the set up you're working with indoors. If you're going to be utilizing a grow tent then I would say definitely it's a good idea.

I'm happy the info is motivating and helpful for you @rachaeldwatson!

Wow, they are really beautiful! What a nice job you do to keep them so pretty, I like it a lot. I never gave much importance to the pH measurements of the soil of my plants, now I'm going to put it to the test.
Beautiful work, congratulations, brother.

Thank you brother!
I've learned a lot over the past year when it comes to pH.
Depending on the water source it may not be necessary. If you've not had serious issues with your plants then your pH is probably fine, but it is good information to know nonetheless!

Your Crack Mack plants look fresh like you😅😅
Nice one!

Thank you my friend! 😅

so beautifuls those plants :D

Thank you man, I try my best. Next grow might be better because I made some mistakes this grow.