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RE: New Transplant of Kali x IW3 P3: Advancing in the Experimental Project of New Genetics (English/Spanish)

in Canna-Curate3 months ago

The curators in this platform appear and disappear, I would like them to maintain constancy in our publications, just as we do the writers who leave quality writings every week, because maintaining the commitment should be mutual, in my antepenultimate publication I named the curators and I hope to do it again and I hope you can read this paragraph with attention.

Making demands for curation is not going to earn you curation in a community you are not even actively engaged with, which leads to your talk of mutual commitment. What mutual commitment are you even talking about? Responding to the writers who you do not engage with on their content?

Curation is not a guarantee and your lack of curation does not mean curators have disappeared. You post once a week and don't engage with the community who you expect to be glued to the screen watching for your post drop to submit it for curation.

There's short time windows for curation and sometimes the curators don't see a post in the window so the post can't be curated. If you post more you would increase your chances of getting curation more often, but your attitude of expecting it every single post is wrong, and even more wrong for you to demand consistency like curators work directly for you or something.. you have it very wrong and you'll find out with the lack of curation this post is about to get. Change your attitude and maybe engage with the community instead of perpetually complaining about the curators.

The crazy part is this is not even the first time this has been laid out to you (by multiple curators) due to your persistent complaints about not getting as much curation as you feel you should be getting and acting like the curators are your personal little workhorses sent to stare at the screen watching for your post.

No way, your attitude sucks, let's see how that works out for your curation goals.


The truth is that there is a lot of mistake in your answer, but you are human and we can not know everything, I have seen how you have been kind in my publications and I know it is not a mask, I do not publish just for the cure, it is part of what can be obtained, I publish nas because I like to grow, because if I did not grow I would have nothing to express on the subject of cannabis.

And that of persistent complaints, you have to understand that I have focused more on the publication as such in the long time that I have been telling my experiences of cultivation and not in the persistence as you mistakenly comment.

I don't want to argue or have a fight with you, because I know you are not a bad person and you are not being bad intentioned, but I don't like that you come like this as if nothing throwing accusations because it seems to me that you are like altered.

That vibe is in a strange sequence and the truth is, I think that one post a week is enough for me to update, because I have work and many other activities, so it is difficult to know what others do and that's why judging like that, for a paragraph I think it's the craziest part.