
Well, I don't actually have the buds yet. I am from the states but live in south America now so it is still summer and the buds are just forming on my cannabis plants. I don't currently own a crockpot but when I was younger I did have one and made butter for my housemates and myself using this method.
Usually I use a sort of double boiler method and placed the pots over the fireplace when there was just coals and no active fire so that the water isn't quite boiling but rather slightly simmering. Do you think this is okay or will it be too hot? not hot enough?
The resulting butter was very "chill" ... I feel like maybe the THC was not very active because I felt the high in my body, pain relief, and also felt like falling asleep early rather than the sensation of an active mind that I get from smoking a joint or from the edibles I have purchased from dispensaries.

In terms of the effects of the cannabis in smoking/vaping/edible form. Harvest time matters and makes a difference in the effects. Early harvests = more speedy less body psychoactive effects, later harvests offer more balanced sedative effects. Too late of a harvest can offer too sedative of effects without the desirable giddy psychoactive effects.

There's quite a bit of science behind cannabis cultivation, but merely knowing some basic essential trade secrets makes all the difference in the final product ;D

Yes I think this method is ok. The crockpot usually brings the contents to a low simmer boil on low, and this is the recommended setting and works just fine for my cannabutter.

I think it's important to maintain a type of awareness about the simmer which I think you maintain just fine... it should be a low simmer not a heavy boil, you know the difference..

One thing that I learned from my trials and errors with making cannabutter is that the cook time very much does matter. I have always thought longer cook time is better but I no longer think that...

I think 24 hours is the sweet spot, because at this point all of the cannabinoids are extracted and further cooking only serves to degrade the cannabinoids.

I cannot contest to the science behind my assertion, but the results speak for themselves with my trials. I've cooked crockpots 30-50 hours and the longer I cook them the less the psychoactive effects kick in a good way, and the more the flavor becomes harsh.

I think cooking for too long burns off the active cannibinoids, so finding that sweet spot is essential, and I think that sweet spot is 20-30 hours. Not before or after.. that range is when you want to separate the contents.