As I have shown in rental articles, I have a plant in the backyard of my house that grew much larger than I could imagine and as you well know, I do not like having very giant plants because it prolongs production times.
Having such a large plant in the middle of summer in Argentina makes production times stretch too far and one ends up harvesting in March or April. Yes, the product I am going to harvest will be incredibly very good since the genetics are Big Mack.
I have found some interesting things in the plant such as the fact that some insects have left eggs on the leaves and in some places on the plant buds have formed that never finished developing.
On the other hand, I have another plant with the same genetics but smaller, which has recently begun to form buds, so next month I will be able to see something interesting with this small plant.
Looking good. Is that your biggest plant ever? It's a monster.
not, my first cannabis was more bigger even
wow..I'm still proud of you for this massive monster achievement. The cannabis loves you.
hahaha thanks, here the ground it is really powerfull for the cannabis :D
Bro, someone stored Dragonballs on your plant (!)
those are eggs from green stink bug, i should have google the scientific name
That is a full set of 7 Dragonballs.
ahhahahah i didnt count them ahahahhaha
Bro no podria tener una planta de esa talla en mi terraza, tendras un monton de cogollos con ella, pilas con esa plaga en las hojas, imagino que se la quitas a mano o tienes algun insecticida natural para erradicarlas que hayas aplicado?
no uso mas insecticidas por que la estresan, estos huevos no traen ningun problema porque las chinches verdes se alimentan de vegetales. La plaga mas problematica es la hormiga roja ya que trae un parasito que se suele alimentar de los nutrientes del tallo y la mata por dentro a la planta, por eso la controlo regularmente en las partes inferiores.