Trying new growing techniques

in Canna-Curatelast month

Lately it has happened to me that the hours of sunlight are so many that plants grow more than expected and this is not something I want to happen.
I have decided to try new techniques and one of them is to hide the plants from sunlight to force them to produce buds.


It might work as it might it's not all trial and error but I'll give it at least a week or two to see what happens.
In another place, the plant in my backyard is getting bigger every day and the branches don't stop growing either.




The plant is such a beast you have to hide it from the sun. Wow :D

You know if you top the plants when they're younger they won't grow as tall.. but they'll be extra wide..

it is a technique that i didnt tried yet, it is a problem try to control the height with these plants :d

It's very easy. You do it when they're younger.. it increases the yield exponentially depending on how many times you do it

i will try it with my next plant, with the size of my current plants i dont have nothing to lose in terms of production :D

Yeah.. you need to do it when the plant is about 12 inches tall (25cm ish)