Improved the netting on the cannabis plants

in Canna-Curate3 months ago (edited)

I was unhappy with the results of my previous netting put up on my outdoor cannabis grow. The four foot by four foot (4x4) netting was far too small. So I needed to find a better solution. Going online I looked for fifteen foot by fifteen foot (15x15) nets for cannabis. But was unable to find them. But I did find some five by fifteen foot (5x15) nets.

So I ordered three of them and planned on attaching them together, giving me the size of netting I wanted. It may be more assembly but it should be the right size and just what I need. I found two sizes, so I will assemble the larger square netting first. And then the smaller square netting for the top layer later on.

Once they arrived and I laid them out, I had some work to do. I need to tie each loose string together to connect the netting.

It took me around 30 minutes for each, I was expecting longer honestly. Really glad I had that blue foam to sit on.

Sitting down I tie each string together and go down the line until the nets are completely fastened.

A little later and I had a 15x15 foot net ready to go.

Now I just need to carry it out to the enclosure with a little help.

After getting it all strung up I came back to take some pictures. It looks much better now.

I am glad I went with the 15x15 design, fit over the plants perfectly.

There is very little overhang of the netting. And should fill out when the plants grow out more horizontally.

I feel more confident this netting will work better.

It really contains the plants better, the 4x4 nettings just laid over the top of them for the most part. But with this I can train them toward the middle hopefully and really fit out the canopy using the SCOG growing technique.

We can see the knots holding together the netting, really thankful the manufacturer left some so I could tie them together. Otherwise I would have needed to use zip ties or something like that.

Next is the top later for the SCROG netting. I need to make it just like I did this one. It has smaller squares compared to the bottom layer.

Its great to see the plants starting to flower, if they get really top heavy I will be ready.

Two of the four are shorter for some reason, so they have not popped up from the netting yet but should very soon.

The two taller ones are popping through the netting, so I had to find a balance. If they were all the same height I would have put it up a little higher.

Hopefully they like their netting.

Soon we will see more bud growth and hopefully they will stretch out and get much taller.

It has been fun growing outdoors, I feel like we are about half way through the cycle right now. Looking forward to trying to grow some auto flowers next year and get two harvests in one outdoor season.

I should go through and pull out those dead leaves.

Next is to assemble the top netting and put that up, which will be the complete SCROG setup to hold them in place. I am sure having the bottom layer is helpful on its own. But if they get as tall as I think they will, they will need a second layer of netting to support them.

Previous post on this project:


It looks amazing man! Great job! I can't wait to see how it turns out for ya!

Great job on this net man, I think it is going to work great. The Inzanities are looking really happy and healthy.

What I've noticed about those yellowing leaves (if they are spotty, only here and there) is that if removing before it becomes crispy or falls off on its own the depletion will quickly move to another leaf and continue the nutrient depletion process. So basically I am a proponent of leaving the yellowing leaves on as long as possible, despite it messing with my ocd. If the yellowing is massive then I generally consider it a sign of underfeeding or pathogenic problems.

Judging by the amount of yellow foliage (minimal), I'd personally just leave them until they crisp/fall off. Either way they are beasts and won't be bothered if you choose to remove that unsightly foliage ;D

Thanks dude, I have high hopes for the net too.. lol

Ah yeah it does seem more cosmetic than required to remove the leaves. Though outdoor I get worried about moisture build up since I live in an area with high humidity.

For now I will leave them on, but if I start to find bud rot will surely need to be more careful about the leaves.

The time of 5 years is said to be very long. But the fact that you got fifteen foot (5x15) nets is also a big deal. You think new things and use them in agriculture, which is really a good thing. Use this net only to protect plants from birds, right?? @solominer

I use the netting to protect the plants from the wind. Otherwise the stalks may break off when they get bigger.

ok now i get it....

yep.. got to protect them

Geesh, how many plants are you allowed to have down there? I think we only get like six or something like that here in Michigan. Which I think is more than most places allow.

We are only allowed to have four plants.

Wow that looks dope! Come time they bend you don't have to be worried about any wind in excess.

Thanks! yeah I think it will help for sure.

Wow, the marijuana plants have grown so lush from the previous day, if I were near your house, I would definitely try a little 😁🙏

They are growing by the day, really impressed by seeing their progress..

lol they are not ready yet, months away from being able to try them.

Really want to try it @solominer, hopefully someday in my country Aceh this plant will be legal

Without a doubt this network works much better than the ones you put up before, dear friend @solominer
I hope the growth is so good that you have to put up a second, superior network.
Excellent work

I think so too. Thank you, hopefully the plants will be quite happy.

I don’t think I have ever seen any cannabis plant that is as big as this. It looks very big
Nice one!

Me too, I am amazed by these plants.


Wow... The cannabis plant looks very fertile, I can't imagine how much cannabis plants there can be planted, like the soil or land in your area is very fertile, friend.

I do feed them well, and they seem quite happy.

Yes, it seems, they are very full with the food you give them 😊

Yeah that will do it! Just looking at it is giving me anxiety, that is some hard work bro

Hah yeah it was a bit daunting getting that netting up.

Wow! Finally you did it this net is perfect for the plant 😀

Sure did.. I think so too.

Yeah that's looking awesome

thanks man, if I end up not liking this I will try your solution using fencing.

Really the fencing should be done mid-July.. the branches are more pliable.. I also stripped all the bottom leaves and branches at that point then spread her out as much as I could..

I honestly didn’t know that so much work end dedication is put into growing cannabis.

Good one friend

Yeah if you want good cannabis it does require a bit of care. Though I find growing outside easier than it is indoors, where I have to keep more things under control.

I think I've already seen this plant somewhere

Hah yep I have been blogging about this grow since they were seedlings.

This looks interesting! As a person who's part of a country where growing or consuming Cannabis is illegal, I always find this posts so interesting lol.

I feel ya, when I lived in states where it was illegal I always looked up to those who could grow.

Hopefully where you live that will change one day, seems to be happening around the world so its just a matter of time I would think.

this it just the beginning in a few weeks you will see branchs full of buds :D

such a beautiful farm

you were not lying when telling me about your weed farm on discord back then :D lol

@tipu curate
