The reality of acquiring a new skill is that the process is not usually a swift one, especially if it is online. So many things will contribute to you seeing it through till the very end. Your passion, your interest, the resources you have, time, dedication, and so on. I took an unintentional break from a course I am learning online and it took me about a month and few weeks to be able to get myself back on track. I went to the NYSC camp for three weeks and I didn't have access to my laptop at the time. Getting back home, there seemed to be so much to work on and do in general. Also, the light situation in my area didn't help matters.

It just got overwhelming and before I knew it, I was procrastinating it and you know the implication of that is usually beating yourself up unnecessarily. Anyways, I got out that loop and made the decision to get back on track no matter the odds and constraints that might disguise as good excuses to not start yet. Yes, the light is still terrible here and I have numerous house chores to do and I have my overthinking problems to deal with. However, I have decided to get started even through all of that.
Getting back to the course had me thinking if I should start afresh to refresh my memory or just pick it up from where I left it. Although it took a while, I eventually came to the conclusion to start again from the beginning. It isn't that I forgot everything I had learned but at the same time, it felt like an avenue to understand better since I am exploring a new field. With the progress I have made in the past, starting over makes me understand the basics more now and I am really loving the feel of it.
I have set a daily target for myself and I am hoping to meet up with it every single day because from the deepest part of my heart, I really want to see this course through till the very end. There are so many limitations that I didn't even mention but I have come to realize that there will never come a time where there won't be a sort of limitation whatsoever, one just have to learn to show up regardless. I simply cannot wait for all the odds to be in my favor before I decide to be productive, right? So yeah, quitting the excuses and taking action regardless is the goal now.
Thanks for reading ❤️
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Very true. There never really will come a time when there are no such limitations, if one continues waiting, he is as good as not ever going to take the course. I have been there many times; it is truly a resolute mindset that keeps one through and not just having no limitations.
Yeah, exactly! Those limitations might look like the perfect excuses but then, the way to get things done is to just do it. I have come to realize there is never a perfect time to do certain things, you just have to create it by yourself and not wait for it to come.
Yeap. ✍️ The way to get things done is to just do it 💯
Exactly. That perfect time doesn't exist, unless you make one for yourself.
This has been really insightful ✨
I am glad😊, thank you so much for stopping by.
Indeed, just forge ahead relentlessly and you'll find yourself at the end of the journey. We look forward to seeing that happen. Perhaps it'll be encouraging to journal your journey. A few "progress reports" every now and then somehow keep us accountable to ourselves. We wish you the best.
Oh wow, I really love the sound of that and I will consider it, thank you so much!
Awww that’s a lot to process even for me. You’re really brave to have gone back to those chores. I know I would have found a way to forget them one way or the other.
Lol, I just had to you know.