If you know me then you'd know how much I love listening to music, I'd rather listen to a full album of Lana del Rey than watch a complete movie lol. I'm not saying I don't watch movies, but it takes me a lot of time to watch just one seasonal movie(we're talking two years here) I've been watching gossip girl and others for the last three years now and I'm yet to finish them lol.
For me to be hooked on a particular movie for days, that means it's worth it. Now you'd wonder if I have a list of songs on my music player I've already downloaded but honestly, whenever I don't have a stable internet to listen to music, I make my own music. So if you should check my music player, it's filled with so many recordings and instrumentals hahaha.
The truth is that I prefer streaming over downloading things on my phone, especially when it comes to music.
I only stream music but when it comes to movies, I always make sure to download and watch unless that particular movie isn't up for downloads.
The topic today in the digital lifestyle community urges us to talk about our preferences when it comes to either downloading or streaming music and movies online. Some of you might find this funny, but when it comes to movies, I always make sure to download and watch later. So the thing is that I save my monthly sub for Hive and other social media platforms, I have three SIM cards, I use my Airtel line for my monthly subscription, my glo line for whenever the network decides to turn on me, and my MTN line is basically for thesame thing, but the sole purpose of that line is for night plan and just whenever there's no network. Mtn turns out to be the most reliable network with the strongest connection.
If I have a movie that I want to watch, I always make sure to either wait up late to stream, that's if I don't have enough space on my device, but I always make sure to download and then watch my movies whenever I want with or without a stable network hehe. Then when it comes to music, I prefer to stream because these songs are largeeeee!!! Imagine one song taking up to 15mb, definitely not going to stay on my phone. I only download instrumentals on my phone and once I'm done with them, I Instantly delete them. Then lastly when it comes to games, I download for offline use, unless for some shooting games that require a strong Internet connection before one would be able to play.
So yh, that's my digital lifestyle and preference,when it comes to download /streaming,What's your go to? Do you prefer downloading for later use or you prefer streaming. Click on the link to read more
about this prompt* Here
Thanks for stopping by❤️
images are screenshots from my phone, unless stated otherwise
With 3 sim cards, it sounds like you have figured out how to have a connection most times, hehe. For me, it depends if it's something I want to have on my file for life, I would download it. Otherwise, it would be streaming.
Yes😂, the network connection over here is always bad, so having three SIM is a really wise choice 😅.
Yh, that's also a nice way to have enough space for other things . Thanks for stopping by 🤗
the challenge for streaming is a strong internet network