When someone tells me that the decisions i make now in my twenties don't matter, that i can always choose a different path later, and that I have enough time to make life changing decisions so I should just relax and enjoy life. I remember that I cannot afford to waste my twenties just to spend the rest of my life paying for it.
The decisions you make now matter and remember that you don't have enough time to figure it out (you can never figure it out so why wait?). The privileges you have in your twenties will not be there in your thirties, forties, and fifties etc.
The hands of time cannot be turned back and once your twenties are gone then that window of opportunity is also gone. You'll never get it back.
The podcast I listen to is the psychologies of your twenties, but I secretly call it "I wish I knew this before thirty".
This podcast talks about those things about life that aren't taught in school. It has changed my perspective about a lot of things and although I haven't figured out everything yet, I can still say I'm better than I would have been without the podcast.
The first thing that stuck in my head was "the most life defining things happen right before we turn 35". It's not the most important and not the most memorable, but it is what defines our life.
After choosing a certain path to follow in your twenties, it becomes difficult to rewire Your mind to stop following that path. Because your decision to follow that path has led you to having certain habits, certain life patterns that has now become ingrained in your system. It's no longer software, it's now hardware.
I would rather figure myself out in my twenties and make all the necessary life decisions and then relax in my thirties.
I would highly recommend you check this podcast out, it's one of my favorite podcasts I listen to and I'm sure you'll benefit from it too.
The older we get, the more mature we become and the more our perspective about life changes. But the truth is that your perspective is always gonna change as life goes on. The way your mind is wired in your twenties is not the way it's gonna be in your thirties. The way it is in your thirties, it's not gonna be that way in your forties either.
So why wait till you're more mature and older to take that bold step.
Time is not gonna wait for you to be ready so why not be ready for time. Throw your age aside and make those decisions now because it does matter. Who cares if you fail? After all you're still very young to pick yourself back up.
This post is in response to Inleo's monthly prompt
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I was telling my friend just today that I would rather take up big tasks and change routes as many times as I feel like I should venture out than "be patient and take life slow as a youngie" cause I know the importance of these my youthful, formative years.
Everything starts today...right this moment.
I appreciate this reminder and I'd check out the podcast when I can.
Exactly! You won't be young forever so it's best you make mistakes now and pick yourself back up. I do hope you get to listen to it later, you'll learn a lot ❤️
This is really cool and in as much as it tempted to say “I’ll watch it later” I’ll just shut up because schedule is giving me side eye. I love the fact this podcast is having an immense impact on life. That’s beautiful to see.
Lol, I totally understand,you can check it out whenever you're free or not, it's okay 😅.
Thanks for stopping by 🤗