Happy mails

in Digital Lifestyle2 months ago

Have you also noticed that all of a sudden, the status updates on WhatsApp that was usually all about fun and updates about life from friends and family could now be likened to a department store? Almost everybody now sells one thing or the other and displays it on their status. Memes have even become scarce as a result of how serious everyone wants to be with their lives this time around. Anyways, I don't have a problem with it since I'm a huge lover of shopping online.

The beauty in chilling within the comfort of my home, being able to purchase items and doing whatever I have to do while I wait for these items to arrive is unmatched. I am one of those people that can buy literally anything online. As long as the seller appears trustworthy, and I like the product, count me in.

When people usually talk about their experiences with what they ordered versus what they got, that's something I have never related to. I've ordered so many things ranging from clothes to foods to creams and I've not regretted any. I've seen people cry over spending their money on something entirely different from what they saw in the pictures or being blocked after making payments and to be very honest, that's a very painful thing to experience.

Everytime I come across something I want online, I know how excited I always am when I finally make payment. That waiting period, while they package my order and deliver it to me usually leaves me in anticipation and excitement for what's to come. And then, my hopes are dashed in the end?! I'll be so inconsolable.

I remember the first time I ordered a product online. It was a perfume I always wanted but rarely found it in local stores. So when I finally found it, I knew I wasn't going to let the opportunity pass me by. I talked to the vendor and she assured me of the product's availability. When it was time to make payment, all the stories I had heard from people who had suffered from online scams came rushing. I remembered how I consoled a friend who had cried hard because after paying for her order, she was no longer seeing the vendor's profile picture. I remembered so many what I ordered vs what I got videos I had seen online. Amidst all this warnings, I still went ahead to do it.

One thing about me and online vendors is their customer service. I value that a lot and there's a way a vendor will talk to me, I'll become uninterested in whatever they're selling or I'll be forced to look for someone else. With how these warnings kept on flashing, I would have just let go of the whole thing but this lady was so professional and I loved how she calmly explained how everything was going to work. I ask questions about things that concern me a lot and I've become used to it when people begin to get furious as a result of me asking too much questions.

I prioritize clarity and if I'm still skeptical about something, I don't like risking it. I went back and forth asking questions and she responded so nicely. I was impressed by it and that even motivated me. I overlooked my fears because after all, what's the worst that could happen that hasn't happened before? Lol. I paid for it and I waited.

The product took about two to three days to arrive but when it finally did, I was satisfied. I've been stuck with her ever since because yes, I love her customer service. There was also this one time I needed to get a top because there was an outfit I needed to wear the next weekend and I needed a top for it. I asked a friend for a trusted vendor and she recommended one.

Lo and behold, I texted this vendor, told her what I needed and her response was 'okay'. What did she mean? When I asked her what she meant, she told me that if I was really serious about it, I would have clicked on the link in her bio and joined her wholesale group. Excuse youuuu?!!! I didn't even have the strength to return her energy so I just left and went on to look for someone else. What in the name of customer service is that?

When it comes to online shopping, I like to trust people that my friends have gotten things from before and my instincts. Other than these two, count me out. Online shopping will always be one of my favourite things to do because I get to enjoy one of my hobbies from the comfort of my home.

Delivery fees? These are one of my worst nightmares but they will still not deter me from buying online.

This is my response to the Digital Lifestyle prompt for the week

Image is mine

Posted Using INLEO


Excuse you indeed... Lmao

Some people really aren't cut out for businesses.
That's how she lost an actual serious buyer.

 2 months ago  

Value Added Flier.png

Some people don't need customers oo, that's why they can talk to potential customers anyhow 😂

Later she go de ask God why business no de move 😂😂

Delivery fees? These are one of my worst nightmares but they will still not deter me from buying online.

Heaven knows how much I hate paying delivery fee,kai