There was this practical I attended recently, at the computer lab in my school. One of the rules of the computer lab over here, is that no phone should be brought into the lab. But this is one rule that most lecturers overlook except for one. This man would gladly collect the fine from every student he sees with a phone in the lab, and so, those that can't do without their phones, hand it over to him, or they leave it be in their pockets, and pray his eyes doesn't stray to it's outline in their pockets.
That fateful day, halfway into the practical, this man decided to reannounce that those with their phones should hand it over to him at that moment. Few did. The rest? They pushed it deeper into their pockets and continued with the practical.
As a beloved coursemate's luck would have it, her phone decided to ring just as the man turned to continue with his teaching. This unique lecturer of ours, told her to go answer the call first, and then come submit her phone. Everybody laughed with how out of place the phone call seemed and I laughed more. Not because the situation was funnier to me but because, I knew that if we both exchanged roles at that moment, the lecturer and few other students would have probably gotten a heart attack rather than laughed.
You see, when it comes to ringtones, I love to explore. From soothing sounds to danceable songs, and to those that will jolt you out of whatever state you were in initially, I've used everything. There's this thing they usually say about the difference between iphone and android users' ringtones. That an Android phone ringing, always leaves the user's heart racing, due to it's abruptness and unnecessary loudness, but for iphones, everything is just normal. I'm afraid I may have proved them right where that theory is concerned, at different stages of my ringtone evolvement.
My ringtone could be a favourite song. My ringtone could be a song I enjoy only the first twenty seconds. My ringtone could be a song I set because I want to spike up conversation between me and someone around me. My ringtone could be set just because. One thing my ringtone has never been, is one of those sounds that come with my device and I love it that way.
Remember I said if roles were reversed and I happened to find myself in that girl's situation, the lecturer would have to recover from a mini-heart attack before assigning a punishment? Let me now tell you why. One fateful day, I was scrolling through insta when I came across a post talking about ringtones. There was this weird ringtone among the list and because I enjoy uniqueness (I won't call it weirdness), I decided to use that particular song. For those that have watched the anime Creepy Nuts, you might know how chaotic the song "Bling Bang Bang" is. Dear reader, that was how Oluchi set a ringtone that drove her to the hospital three days after.
After setting up my "unique" ringtone, I continued with my phone activities and then, I slept off. An hour into the sleep, somewhere on my bed, twenty people began to talk at the same time and someone was trying to fit all they were saying into a beat. When I sleep, I usually roll to the edge of the bed but never fall off. I've become so used to it that it's no longer a hindrance to my choosing the top bunk in school hostels.
That particular day, I was at the edge as usual and with how startling the ringtone was, I fell from my bunk. I fell and it took me a while to realize that it was my phone ringing. My roommate clutched her chest tight, in relief when she realized it was my phone ringing.
That fall was so forceful, I found it hard working with my left shoulder for some days. Went three days after, to the hospital to see if anything serious happened but thankfully, nothing did. Ever since, I've learned to leave my ringtones to songs I like and not songs I decide to test out for fun.
By the way, guess who called my coursemate that day? Opay customer care😭😂
This is my entry to the #digi-prompts for this week.
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