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RE: Selling SPL accounts worth a high six figure number in USD

in Legendary Dragons2 years ago

So you think the best decision to make is to sell all your assets during a bear market where they have the least amount of worth? Man someone who has money is going to take that and flip 2x or 3x down the road unless the number you are asking for is already bull run priced which not a person would buy. Hope the best for you and your exit strategy, just taking your reference of speaking in the German way and being direct with no salt or pepper.

 2 years ago  

Thanks for commenting mate - correct re bear but arew we sure the bear is ending and even if will cards / asset be more valuable? Who knows.

Glad you speak the German way - bull run prize not really, in bull times it was way higher

We both know there will be a bull run, I would say it's common sense that in the bull run be default prices will go higher. Just not logically understanding why you would sell at the worst lowest time possible all the time you've already put into these assets. It's just my opinion but what you might end up doing on accident is giving someone 4x the value of your account in the bear market when they patiently flip it in the long run. Someone who has lots of disposal income will do this but only if your price for your account is in bear market terms, if it's not then I highly doubt it would ever sell.