Fuí voluntario en la 🇵🇪 Perú Blockchain Conference 🌐 DAY 1 [Eng/Spa]

in Threeshorts8 months ago

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Hola qué tal espero que estés muy bien, te contaré cómo fue mi experiencia en la Blockchain Perú Conference, celebrada este 13 y 14 de Junio acá en Lima, evento top en la industria que durante 2 días reunió a más de 30 partners, incluyendo al maestro Hernando de Soto...


Hi, I hope you are doing well, I will tell you how was my experience at the Blockchain Peru Conference, held this June 13 and 14 here in Lima, a top event in the industry that for 2 days brought together more than 30 partners, including the master Hernando de Soto...





Yo participé como voluntario y recién llegando me dirijí a la parte del Backstage, donde previamente fui asignado...

Se sentía una vibra muy cyberpunk con todas las luces y las personas organizando cableado.


I participated as a volunteer and upon arrival I went to the Backstage area, where I was previously assigned....

There was a very cyberpunk vibe with all the lights and people organizing wiring.





Ventajas del backstage, poder compartir de cerca con la mayoría de los ponentes y siempre buscando aprender lo máximo posible de ellos trato de analizar su comportamiento, y ver cómo puedo aprender de ellos.

Me sorprendió ver que algunos estudiaban su discurso de manera totalmente analógica, con un papel y un lápiz. Tal cual hacía yo en el bachillerato.


Advantages of the backstage, being able to share closely with most of the speakers and always looking to learn as much as possible from them I try to analyze their behavior, and see how I can learn from them.

I was surprised to see that some of them studied their speech in a totally analogical way, with a paper and a pencil. Just as I did in high school.



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Luego me fuí a dar una vuelta por la zona del auditorio, linda y espaciosa, aún se ultimaban detalles, era bastante temprano.

Me gustaron mucho este par de fotos.


Then I went for a walk around the auditorium area, nice and spacious, they were still finalizing details, it was quite early.

I really liked this pair of photos.



Los encargados de los stands aún organizaban sus respectivas áreas, Vantage, PrimeXBT, Worldcoin, poniendo sobre la mesa los temas de privacidad e importancia de los datos.

Fireblocks, otra exchange, y por allá el infaltable apoyo de NTT Data en estos eventos...

Aproveché para participar en un sorteo de PrimeXBT, donde gané algo muy cool que les mostraré en otro video, atentos!


Those in charge of the stands were still organizing their respective areas, Vantage, PrimeXBT, Worldcoin, putting on the table the issues of privacy and importance of data.

Fireblocks, another exchange, and over there the infallible support of NTT Data in these events...

I took the opportunity to participate in a PrimeXBT raffle, where I won something very cool that I will show you in another video, stay tuned!


Prontito comenzaron a llegar los asistentes y se empezó a amenizar el evento con algunas palabras de apertura e interacción con el público.

Subí al segundo piso, a mirar un poco, todo muy organizado, un bonito fondo para fotografía y por la izquierda las arenas de las batallas de traders.

queda muy claro que se trató de un evento elegante y bien organizado, donde se cuidaron los detalles para crear una experiencia TOP en todos los sentidos.

Sponsors con una reputación sólida en la industria, y participantes de varias partes del mundo.

Tropecé a Cryptometales, les recomiendo que le echen un ojo a esta iniciativa que ya tiene años en el mercado. Super interesante y fresca.

Exchanges reconocidos, Equity, ATFX,Bitrue,

Bitsaving.Pe no es una exchange, es una propuesta sur koreana relacionada con compras DCA automatizadas. Interesanting!


Soon the attendees began to arrive and the event began to liven up with some opening words and interaction with the public.

I went up to the second floor to look around, everything was very organized, a nice background for photography and on the left the arenas of the traders' battles.

It is very clear that this was an elegant and well organized event, where the details were taken care of to create a TOP experience in every way.

Sponsors with a solid reputation in the industry, and participants from various parts of the world.

I stumbled upon Cryptometales, I recommend you to take a look at this initiative that already has years in the market. Super interesting and fresh.

Recognized exchanges, Equity, ATFX, Bitrue,

Bitsaving.Pe is not an exchange, it is a South Korean proposal related to automated DCA purchases. Interesting!


Conocer a Mariela Baldivieso, diputada Boliviana fue genial, me hace ver que hay mucha gente apasionada trabajando incesantemente en pro de unas ideas.


Meeting Mariela Baldivieso, Bolivian congresswoman was great, it makes me see that there are many passionate people working tirelessly for ideas.


los organizadores del evento son unas hermosas personas, empáticas y trabajadoras han sabido llevar a cabo esta titánica labor.

Estamos para apoyar, gracias por mirar y hasta la próxima!


the organizers of the event are beautiful, empathetic and hard-working people who have been able to carry out this titanic task.

We are here to support, thanks for watching and see you next time!




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