Hello Thea nice to meet you!
I love your tarot reading with animal spirits!
I love animals. Your kitty is adorable!
Barb :)
Posted via Veews
Hello Thea nice to meet you!
I love your tarot reading with animal spirits!
I love animals. Your kitty is adorable!
Barb :)
Posted via Veews
Thank you so much @adcreatordesign! It means a lot to know you found the reading useful. I love the spirit animal deck as I love animals too! I used to have a crazy number of chickens but right now it's just me and my cat Leo and my bunny Alice :)
You're most welcome, Thea!
I use to have 2 cockatiels and hope to get more in the very near future.
I had a Native American woman tell me I had the bear spirit. I told her I encountered a face to face visit with a black bear and her cubs on a mountain hiking trail.
When I walked around a bend in the trail, there she was with her 2 cubs! I didn't move for about a minute and then I adjusted my footing and they ran the other way. I was so relieved and terrified at the same time and grateful to have been this close to bears.
Wow, that is amazing! I can understand it must have been a bit scary but still what an experience!