I've had my eye on this deck for a while now. Probably not a deck that will get used often, but I thought it would be a fun addition to my deck collection. This now brings my total up to 12 decks.
This was a TEMU order and if you look at the top of the box, it came a little banged up. Considering I collect these cards I'm a little bummed about that. Still a cute deck and was under $4 so I'm not that worried about it. I basically just added the deck to my TEMU order to put me above the minimum dollar amount for free shipping.
Like the box says, 35 erotic cards. Each card has a title like "Creating a new self", "Instinctual Bliss", and "Freedom to be yourself". Each card also has a corresponding astrological sign and some other symbols that I'm going to have to research further.
I thought the deck would be more sexual, but instead, they're more about sexuality and our feeling toward our sexuality. Finding ourselves and our sexuality I guess. Some of the titles are actually really interesting.
I've seen the above card used in crypto memes and often wondered where the image came from.
These are really lovely cards. I love the imagery on the back as well.
So I debated whether or not to post this deck. People seem to get really uptight about sexuality these days. After reviewing the deck though I think the cards present some interesting use cases. For example, if someone had a question about sexuality, or perhaps concerned about a lover's or friend's sexuality. A single pull from the deck might be an interesting way to approach the reading along with the use of traditional tarot.
Being in my fifties this deck is more of a novelty. I think the 20 to 40-year-old me would have had some creative fun and use cases for this deck. All in all, I just think it's a really fun and interesting deck with a very erotic twist. This could actually be a really fun deck to share with a lover or life partner.
I also like that deck has astrological correspondences to help in discerning the meanings of the cards. I think the deck could actually be useful in matters of love, romance, and sexuality. It was one of the reasons I ordered it.
Thoughts On Oracle Cards
When Oracle cards first started to grow in popularity, I was very skeptical. I stuck with the traditional tarot featuring the PCS imagery and Thoth decks. Eventually, after reading several articles online, I decided to start experimenting with oracle cards and I've really come to love them. I think they're just one more tool of divination and also a great addition to most readings.
On top of that, I think each oracle deck has its own potential use case as an accompaniment to traditional tarot reading. Sometimes we might need a more positive take on a bad reading and could pull from a deck of affirmations. The above deck might be appropriate for questions relating to sex, sexuality, and romance. I also have a deck of spells that could add a magical element to any reading.
Do you use oracle cards? What are some of your favorites? Would love to hear any thoughts on the Manara deck either for or against it. I get they may not be for everyone.
Different and interesting