That Journey Inward...

in Tarot Community14 days ago



I don’t know if I’m still a person, a human than wants to feel, wants to dream or a person with a purpose to take or still want to have a soul
I don’t know if I’m still worth who I am, the person I am meant to be, or always afraid to look behind the worst forward
I don’t know if I can still balance myself from this unstable ground, can I still a whole person even if I still don’t know who I am
I don’t know when this unstable phase will be gone, unknowingly knowing what’s more but afraid to feel this wealth within, nothing comes close to the answer I needed…

I wish I could feel something within that makes me feel alive again, knowingly true and nothing like trying to pretend to be strong even if you’re not
I wish I could drown and easily determine the instant answer I needed in order to wake up to my real truth despite of being confused from all of this
I wish I could easily wish my freedom, my hopes up, strength within even without pretending my worth, my worth that wouldn’t easily die from doubt and fear
I wish I knew where my directed paths are, without being a traitor to yourself and others, because we are blessed differently and the next is yet to come…

We stock the vaults one by one, we even count each coin until we knew the exact figures what we are worth, yet inner happiness won’t add up
Money flows so easily day by day, year by year, this is just a shallow life we have, as feelings so easily fade away even when gold arrayed
We learn too late as we keep failing for ourselves, even our dreams and goals don't make us free until we realize none of these is enough to make you whole…
Lands crumble silently, stocks may fall, the markets crash, and what is gold if it’s melted to mere ash, enduring all the loss and what are treasures more than coins could do?

What’s in a heart that’s kind and true? Beneath failure which sticks no matter who you are, accepts your flaws and wins, it is more than a treasure that coins could do
It is compassion, love the strength to still stand up despite of stormy gales, money fails, that bright beacon of courage, that inner strength that help us still fight
We bend and bread but what is important is that we don’t succumb to the fleeting pains that cracks our fears until wisdom flows
We don’t need fame, no need for praise if we have our own self-respect that carries us all the way through shame or wealth that lasts- we’re gracefully rich beyond measure with inner strength and a clarity to quiet pride…

When you count your greatest treasure in mind
As virtue blooms, wisdom flows
The wealth that lasts, that never dies
The selfless act, the noble thought and deed


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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