That power to choose is like learning how to stand, choose and steer with our own mind and feelings
Within ourself’s capacity to seed what is needed, and what is needed to make through the process
Don’t let our fears and our doubts preside on what’s to control what next to the circumstance is…
Or just to easily loose our footing on the solid ground that marks our control of our own world
Before touching the candle’s flame is like having caution through marking your shadows all the same
When it is properly done and lit, it wisely keeps as a whole using its light until the very end…
But also this kind of caution can also turn into a much trembling fear, that could twist your choices and your mind
Especially when placed with a force that you’re not familiar with, sometimes it leaves us helpless and alone
For these storms may rise, we may fall, we may be discouraged and test our courage again…
Shape your world well, and have no fear, for these can build, as this mind can see your true course of life with that kind of clarity you needed
No kind of fate can snatch the peace within, as long as it aligns with your kind of discipline
Yet turn within, as we see a much more calmer path, it is way to becoming an endless source…
For our choices ours, even the small it seems
To know what’s ours and let it grow
Yet turn within and we shall see
To live with clarity not in control