The Cycle of Life...



In a world where shadows play, a spark ignites where a heart takes flight
That gentle touch of your warmest hands gives you comfort where life begins to lighten up
When those two worlds meet with laughter and a sense of joy and connection
A dance of joy and dance of hope it brings with every glance and every promise it grows…

A garden blooms where kindness grows is to live simple, pure and true
It starts with me and it starts with a purpose for in arms where feelings wake
The life you have is what will I make to gentler words and with a listening ear
In moments you find hope we conquer our own fear of life and struggle…

With time we trust, as all bonds will weave and in every kindness we believe
As journey is both brave and bold like tides in an open shore as the more you trust the more it will give you peace
For life is a cycle round and round that’s where joys are found with every smile we share
But nothing keeps you from being free even through storm or doubt breaks…

Yet even life can stumble and break, through storms and often aches
But still even the darkness night can spark remains in heart when trust is born
As with each trial we learn to see that life still grows stronger so endlessly
To soothe the soul and restore calm even when pain takes hold remind us all that we can what we make it…

Life is fleeting chance
With laughter, kindness and joyful muse
With strokes of hope is our guide
Connects us all beneath the sky


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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