The Mind’s True Work...

in Tarot Community20 days ago



Our mind is our compass, points to the path that we ought to pursue yet sharp and true
Each moment brings you the ways to light up your path from darkest shadows to points that shapes our days
Let these wisdom guide me through fray, to think and care to the acts that brings grace to you
Your mind is your most cared space, with no reckless flight, but just with a steadfast choice you can continually find your truest purpose...

In thoughts and deeds, seeds are sown in order to measure your growth, searching for truth of the unknown
All of the siren calls for fleeting joy of hollow things, they swiftly sing to you yet the mind must stand like a fortress so strong
In order to turn for the paths where we son’t even belong, mute these whispered soft and sly temptations
Some glimmers are like false claims beneath the sky, still our strength resides within the heart and to guard the soul’s freedom to choose the path to rise...

The mind must thirst in order for it to yearn, yearning to trust to learn, those lesson are vast like a flame in the night’s joy
Each day there is a chance for you to find what ignites your soul, to strive, to grow, and to stake our claim to be better
Not only better for worldly gain but for your joy to attain, from a kinder soul, a wiser heart that yearning for you listen and fulfill this will
Our mind doesn’t settle for less, don’t even stand still, but yearning to climb the heights and fulfill your journey’s goal for progress that keeps your soul sincerely dreaming...

A journey spent is like a course finding your own treasure that is yet to be found, that purpose gives your mind to aim
Like a star to follow, that drives you forward, whispers of need, aligning your purpose so strong that keeping us true when time feels unsure or unstable
That finding a purpose holds it all, that beacon shining endlessly, but at the same time accept what comes, finding your deepest peace
The ind must stand it’s own task to be noble and worthy to ask, to choose the good but tat the same time refuse the wrong, and at the same time yearn for growth, plan with care to live in freedom, our whole life long...

With purpose firm, truth as a guide
To live in freedom beneath the sun
Our mind work is never done
Through mind’s task, our soul shall rise


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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