To reason is to hold a light in the dark and to see where others stumble is power, with every moment to be able to choose- left, right, forward or back to rise and even the choice to fall
To reason is to hold a light in the dark and to see where others stumble is power, sometimes we hesitate but not for long for something writhing the whispers that guides and insists upon
To reason is to hold a light in the dark and to see where others stumble is power, never by chance, not even by force but with a choice, remarked with our own design…
To think is to stand at the gate of freedom where others remain bounded, no path is closed unless the mind believes it remains open, no locked when thought is the key
To think is to stand at the gate of freedom where others remain bounded, trapped not by walls nor by force but simple absence of knowing better seeing the bars and also the space between them
To think is to stand at the gate of freedom where others remain bounded, while some wander lost, unaware as they even walk in circles caged by their own ignorance unseen, unrealized…
To reason is to hold power unseen is the kind that reshapes the very ground beneath you, some live to the bridges thought can build that forever wading through shallow waters
To reason is to hold power unseen is the kind that reshapes the very ground beneath you, they stumble not for lack of strength but for lack of direction of knowing how to walk and find their way through
To reason is to hold power unseen is the kind that reshapes the very ground beneath you, but you - you will always dare because you hold the map, the compass the unshakable ability to navigate this life…
To reason is to use a gift unspoken with the power both simple and divine, with every thought you rewrite that was given crafting something that can be greater still
To reason is to use a gift unspoken with the power both simple and divine, that is what you carry is rare, what you hold is beyond measure for in your mind rests not just thoughts but the ability to reshape reality itself
To reason is to use a gift unspoken with the power both simple and divine, so do not let it slip through your careless hands but instead sharpen it, wield it, let it guide and let it build your dreams not just for you but for all for you to think, to choose, to change is the truest freedom of all.
The world shifts not by chance nor by mere strength but the will to reshape it
Revolutions spark not only fury alone but the from the fire you hold that fire
That fire is beyond unthinkable but that force turns what is into what could be
But yours has the hand that builds, the mind that lifts, the voice that guides