The Path beyond your Eyes...



What if the storm is meant for you where its meaning is yet to be reaped, the rain intensifies without warning loosing its soil through valleys and plains
What if the storm is meant for you where its meaning is yet to be reaped, it doesn’t ask any permission nor it doesn’t answer any complaints
What if the storm is meant for you where its meaning is yet to be reaped, we stand beneath its fury into the rushing winds frightened and alone, shouting our painful questions at the sky
What if the storm is meant for you where its meaning is yet to be reaped, demanding to know the reason pleading softer just for any form of reply, does it even holds a purpose unseen?

What is the detour is meant for you leading towards something true that you needed to see, the road we paved so carefully has crumbled beneath our feet nothing but lines or torn dreamscape
What is the detour is meant for you leading towards something true that you needed to see, could this be my last chance to grieve for what is broken, for the path that I once dreamt of no longer remains
What is the detour is meant for you leading towards something true that you needed to see, forgetting those detours unwritten by time, through the toughest reason that seems strange
What is the detour is meant for you leading towards something true that you needed to see, what if the loss that wounds you now from the past years is carving something new on the other side?

What if this season was meant for you wherein lessons waiting to come through, the heart protests often crying out that this fate is unfair, craving for a change, praying for even luck
What if this season was meant for you where lessons waiting to come through, that hands of time have stolen something beyond repair, pleading beyond what darkness feels
What if this season was meant for you where lessons waiting to come through, calling to the unseen horizon that might be brighter than the road we wished to stay on even if the hope seems endlessly stale
What if this season was meant for you where lessons waiting to come through, we too are part of this dance even if we fight against the tune, mistaking melody of reason for chaos of misfortune’s ruin…

What if this unknown is meant for you with wonders waiting in its view, and see not only misfortune but a journey where wisdom quietly arrived, seeing suffering as simply preparation,
What if this unknown is meant for you with wonders waiting in its view, so if only we could let go of the need to demand what was never yours to hold eve if its an untamed current
What if this unknown is meant for you with wonders waiting in its view, not all paths are seen yet every road still leads through towards the greater light even if you have stumbled, you have shattered and have fallen to your knees
What if this unknown is meant for you with wonders waiting in its view, do not despair when fate defies the plans you once held tight, one day you will stand in peace with destiny understanding the breaking through…

The strongest roots must push through stone before they breathe
The strength is not found in comfort but in rising after each and every pain
You may ache now but every wound holds a promise of something new
One day, you will look back from higher place you never planned


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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