From that whispers of fear and pain that shouts you to death, that never ends even when you’re at work or not
This gossip’s lure, with endless doubt and countless judgment that has no profound basis that connects to your life
With all those fleeting touch, that siren’s call where those emotions rise out loud, waiting for you to give in…
Like we are just pawns on our own game board, waiting to play our own moves until we win and find our own match
What really master our rules, our thoughts, our feelings, our soul, our dreams from the beginning
What are the forces that keeps pulling for control that doesn’t match our values, our truths and our goals?
Not to these flesh, nor persons, nor fleeting excitement, nor uncontrollable lust
But something that is pure, sacred, just and true, that spark of light that only knows the truth
Unbounded by time and youth, that could whisper to you softly for you know even that you are free, you can’t resist…
No fear can dim you beyond those eternal stars, for in this path, depth of divinity sings for you to grip not into earthy strings
Even if desire’s trap and those worry snares you to these thoughts, these thieves invade your mind and leave your sacred self confined
But if we only have that instinct to pause and turn within, those battles will end and the peace begins only with a thought of having that mindful gaze…
Beware of traps that steal the day
The endless task, those endless games we play
Each pulls us from our inner trail
Only to break from these bindings chains