What's Beyond this open book?

in Tarot Community7 hours ago



Do you even dare to ask, “Why am I even born?”, you’re almost born in the threshold nobody can even understand that sometimes it became colder and suddenly became warmer
I was left behind in the edge of unimaginary world that always turning out in an empty page of meaning and and purpose always holding back into one’s old quest
There’s so much to understand and to discover from all of the riddles wrapped around the book of mystery, patiently waiting what’s beyond this page
With those steps that started as a trek, and your eyes suddenly became open to all sorts of possibilities that were never there to begin with but still hoping for a new kind of hope…

I’m stumbling into the mountain of hope, wondering if I still have something to hold on to, just to understand what makes me mark my journey of pain
I keep on stumbling, falling down and rising again without understanding where am I heading again, finding that place of solitude beneath unsurety
I’m chasing my life into the the great design the universe has set for me, hoping that kind of connection in the zeal of cosmic art
Finding your purpose, not feeling guilty comes next and depending on your own light to find your soul all over again, I know it doesn’t stop there- there’s more…

What is the one for me?, but even love’s so tender, I’ve given up just to find the promising answers all life long, I’ve dive into the unknown hoping that’s wisdom in this open book of hope
Yet those wisdom deepens our remorse, I’m scared of not leaving any mark and discovering my real meaning beyond all the sorrows, I searched for endless questions
All I do is keep on stretching myself forward, even uncertain and too wide and extremely unclear without any guide to things small and bigger
But the answers often seem vague, or in the pursuit of fortune, fame or in name, but hunger still remains a hole in my chest…

Why am I here, why did this life choose me? Did I come here for a reason, to be in the world, to be free and wild? Is there a mission or a right path that is set for me?
Is there any destiny that I haven’t heard of? Am I still needed? But the purpose seems real, seems almost near but hidden, too far out of sight
As I wander on through the dark and through the bright, I keep losing myself, which way is the wind my purpose blows, the map of my life that is scribbled without haste
Rarely do we find a compass to help us understand and lead us to the right journey that is unique, we are hardly holding on but still learning how to grow- I guess we’re all fools!

Path comes with a cost
That map of life
Keep up in this frantic race
A path that I must take


Here is Tikatarot, who dares you to answer the question, “Who am I?”..

As and will always be reminding you to dream:

“As you are still the Master of your destiny and the maker of your dreams…”

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